Purpose: To learn a new activity/sport, associated skills, and drills that promote the learning of that activity.
Requirements: 1. Choose an activity 2. Research the activity:
* fitness components
* unique principles (i.e. buoyancy, friction, rotation etc..)
* theory or background
* skills and mechanics If a sport, choose 3-5 skills to master. If an activity, develop a 3 minute routine/demonstration of individual moves to perform. 3. Daily Journals *Day one: Partners/Team members, what you are studying, why, what do you want to achieve? What is your goal? *Start each day’s entry stating Day 1, 2, 3, etc. as well as the date. * Try to establish an entry routine/format: i.e. Topic: What topics did you do today? Research: What did you research? What did you discover/learn? Activities: What activities did you do? What was the purpose? Did you fulfill the purpose? Why/why not? What could/would you do differently? Personal reflection on effectiveness? Enjoyment…? Plan for the next day?/What will you work on next day * Journals are to be shared via Google docs every day. 4. Presentation: Last Day. Sport: 3-5 skills that you mastered. Activity: (dance/gymnastics..) 3 minute routine/demonstration of individual moves in sequence. 5. Unit Assessment: 1. Journal AFL – during the unit, mid-way point (x/20) AOL – at final submission (x/20) 2. Presentation AOL