Scope of political science
Scope of political science is to study the past things that happened and use it correct the present and determine what the future will say about.
From the various definitions, it is clear that the main point of discussion in the subject is state. The scope can be discussed under the following heads.
(1).Study of the form of the State as exits at present…
(2).Study of the State in historical perspective…
(3). Study of the ideal form of the State…
(4). Behavioral concepts.
(A) Study of the Modern form of State(Study of the form of the State as exits at present)…
(1). Ends of State…
(2). Study of government as a means…
(3).Study of different forms of government…
(4). Study of relationship between the people and the government.
(B) Study of State in Historical Perspective.
(1). When and how the State came into existence…
(2). State in different Ages…
(3). Study of the change in thinking in different ages…
(4).Study of the Behavior of Bureaucracy…
(5). Study of Behavioral concept…
(6). Study of the methods of election and voting behavior…(7).Study of political parties and pressure groups…
(8). Study of the Social Economic and Geographical conditions…(9). Study of Developing Nation…
(10). Study of International politics & International Organization.
Nature of Political Science
There are different views on the nature of politics Aristotle, Bodin, Hobbes, Bluntschli, Montesquieu, few is, Sedgwick, Jellinek, etc, hold that politics is a science.
But writers like J.S. Hill, Maitland, Collin, Barker, etc, maintain that is only on art.
1. Politics is a Science
Politics is considered as science on the following grounds.
(1). Politics can be studied in a