1. This section explains the nature, coverage, and time frame of the study. 2. It presents in brief the subject area of investigation, the place, the time period, or school year covered. 3. It discusses the variables included in the study and the exclusion of other variables which are expected to be included. 4. It indicates the extent of capability of results arising from the sampling population
Notice that the scope remains focused on the problem of attracting and retaining residents. It does not, for example, include looking at alternative uses for the building and grounds. The factor is outside the scope of this research problem.
State delimitations and Limitations
Two concepts, delimitations and limitations, relate to narrowing the project’s scope. Delimitations are additional boundaries or restrictions that you place on the study. For example, in the Peaceful Village study, a decision to interview only current residents is a delimitation. Limitations are potential shortcomings or inadequacies of the study. Some limitations arise from circumstances beyond your control; others derive from the way you define the scope and delimitations. Interviewing only current residents prevents you from knowing why former residents left and why people who toured your facility did not become residents. Failure to acquire that information may seriously limit the validity of your conclusions. If, however, you do not delimit your study in this way, you may find it extremely difficult and costly to locate these nonresidents.
Practical constraints may make the delimitation necessary. Delimitations and limitations are not required in all research plans. But effective planners include those items when they are relevant. Stating delimitations tends to clarify and refine the scope; stating limitations demonstrates that the researcher understands and is willing to acknowledge the weaknesses of the proposed study.
Having carefully defined the