these viewpoint on this debate.Those who view that technology has a positive effect on young children's development maintains a progressive perspective while on the contrary, scholars who believes technology has a negative effect on children's development holds a detrimental perspective.
When thinking about these perspectives I cannot help but think about the time during my teenage years.When all my time was spent texting, playing games on my cell phone and posting photos on Facebook, I never completed any school work at home. My homework, I would complete while I was in Mr.Mac history class so I could maximize the amount of time I could spend on Facebook and texting my best friend Jody. Unfortunately, my father quickly caught on this behavior, noticing that I always had my cell phone in my hand or watching television sometimes even both. From then on, he made me read ten minutes at the kitchen table after school each day, of course, I detest the idea at first.Ten minutes seemed like two hours, especially since I wasn't doing anything productive I was mostly pretending to read. However, it dawned on me opposed to reading boring materials around the house, instead I could go to the library and find something I was interested in to read and I did. Through going to the library finding books that I like, reading became a new hobby for me, I no longer dreaded those ten minute I instead look forward to it. Ten minutes became a half an hour I would even read during my spare time.My vocabulary developed, I could read more in depth and think critically.Therefore, while scholars of the progressive perspective believe children should learn problem-solving and critical thinking through technology, authors of the detrimental perceptive believe that screen time/ technology doesn’t help but harm children's development.Ultimately I contend that technology is useless in children's development.
Authors of the progressive perspective, such as James Ernest and Jordan Shapiro argue that technology is a tool of modern society, therefore, parents should aid their children in learning, developing critical thinking and problem-solving through technology.James Ernest Ph.D. in Early Childhood learning suggests that technology helps with basic skills and prepare kids for a technology-based future.In his article,”Extending the Global Dialogue about Media, Technology, Screen Time, and Young Children” he argues,“technology stimulates basic skills, provide real-world preparation and motivates learning in new ways”(Ernest 2).In other words, kids should be exposed to technology because of the real world preparation it gives due to the fact that we live in a technology based society and the basic skills it helps with. Authors of both these perspectives are more forward looking.
Sharing Ernest view is Jordan Shapiro a columnist, argues that there is a misconception that screen time for children is typically examine to be negative however the opposite is true.Shapiro maintains that parents should be intentional about technology messages they send to their kids.In her article,”Research Says Screen Time Can Be Good”, Shapiro asserts,” when parents and children are watching or playing together, kids are internalizing important social skills”(Shapiro 1).Shapiro believes while children are actively engaging with their devices along with their parents they are learning social skills.
Although both Ernest and Shapiro maintain that screentime provides real-world preparation and motivate learning in new ways, Ernest would disagree with Shapiro claim that even when children are playing games and essentially turning into vegetable glued to their video game they're still thinking and problem-solving.I agree with both Shapiro and Ernest that due to the abundance of technology in our society it is important that children are equipped with the tools that are needed for their future however while Ernest acknowledges this by noting, “this article recommends careful consideration and understanding of the potential benefits and concerns related to Mets as educators guide children toward the positive aspects of technology and media use.” Shapiro fails to take into account what children are losing when they are tuned into their games and virtual world at such a tender …show more content…
While scholars of progressive perspective would argue the tremendous benefit that technology bring forth for young children whether it is career preparedness, real-world preparation, and different learning styles, on the other hand, the detrimental perspective would insist that excessive screentime prevents children from brain stimulating activities like drawing, singing, talking thus creating meaningful memory and valuable information.Learning interactively promote creativity, Intellectuals such as Elliot Panek, Bradford Wiles, and Hannah Richardson share these premises.
Elliot Panek, who specializes in new media, social media, mobile communication, and media effects.
Researched on college students time and in return ended up suggested that media usage and media temptation correlate negatively to student academic success he proposes that this is a result of-of students lacking self-control.In his article,”Left to Their Own Devices” Panek adds, “Such behavior comes about when students low in self-control make choices in an environment that offer sufficiently tempting alternatives (Panek 4).” In short, students lack self-control when it comes to technology due to the more tempting options that media offer especially in college without the supervision of their parents.Following closely with Panek is Bradford Wiles a psychologist who has a Ph.D. in human development. Wiles provide suggestions for screen time for adults and kids. In his article “The New Screen Time” Wiles contend, “excessive media consumption, including consumption of Internet media, can lead to attention difficulties, school problems, sleeping and eating disorders, depression…( Wiles 1).” Wiles highlights the dangers of technology if there's no set boundaries.Both Panek and Wiles can agree that technology interferes with our behaviors, Panek indicates that due to the unscheduled day and unsupervised teens in college, media temptation shows students lack self-control. While on the other hand, Wiles examine problems that media cause due to overindulging.Unlike Wiles, Panek
presents an argument, Wiles bring forth these problems and concerns and propose ways and suggestion to help fix these issues.
Another scholar that falls within the detrimental perspective is Hannah Richardson an educational journalist for BBC News. Richardson examines the impact of technology through examining individuals that weren’t constantly exposed to technology. Offering their own experience, Richardson maintains that children should be allowed to get bored in order to utilize their creative mind rather than relying on technology. In her article, “Children should be allowed to get bored” Richardson argues, “children need to have stand-and-stare time, time imagining and pursuing their own thinking processes or assimilating their experiences through play or just observing the world around them (Richardson 2).” Through the practice of stand-and-stare time they are exercising their creative mind.Falling in light with this view is both Elliot Panek and Bradford Wiles, upon until a certain point.Wiles whom believe that children are excessively consuming media technology and Panek view that college student lack of self-control is attributed to media temptation because of the unscheduled time kids have in their in college day.However, Panek and Wiles would disagree that children should be borne in order to encourage a creative mind. Wiles offer the recommendation for effective and healthy balance technology usage.
Technology/screentime furnish no use in kids childhood what can be taught on a square box can and will be taught in a classroom, however what children can’t learn from technology is how to have a conversation, utilize resources provided by their environment, social interaction, independent thinking and problem-solving. I have nieces and nephews, they are constantly exposed to technology, through using their own iPads or simply interacting with a screening device with their parents. For example, my 2 years old niece popular children's app ABCmouse in which her mother pays for monthly. This app promotes textbook learning and design to keep children engrossed and thus making money.Through teaching Math, English, Science, Music and Art with over 7,000 interactive learning activities.This addictive kids app showcases everything for parents to give to their child to get them out of their hair while giving small kids their own virtual play world. Opening the app first noticeable feature is the spectrum of bright colors and font engaging small kids with different colors to retain their attention.The purpose of this app is to teach children, of course however it becomes unethical when the app is designed to keep them dependent and make money and mothers use it to keep their kids busy.There’s no profound learning than through outside stimuli and social interactions.