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Table of content
Introduction: Current state of affairs
Poor quality of water is a real problem in India as we estimate at approximately 37.7 million the number of Indian people that are affected by waterborne diseases annually.
This is huge and in addition to that, 1.5 million children die of diarrhoea each year. This is estimated to engender an economic loss of $600 million a year. One of the other main concerns is chemical contamination: 1,95,813 habitation suffer bad quality of water in India.
This sector analysis has the pretention to capture important insights necessary to fully understand the problematic. To do so, the first step will be to collect secondary data about the sector itself and about the different actors being the Center, the States, the population, both rural and urban, and the existing market within which various actors are present. The second step will be to collect primary data in order to bring new insights from the field to the research. Depending on the first step, we will try to gather primary data from the most various possible sources. Afterwards, our task will be to draw the situation of the sector in the most realistic and insightful way possible in order to create a realistic strategy for a Social Enterprise to enter the domain.
PART ONE: Secondary research
1. Definition of Actors
1.1 The State
Providing clean drinking water is a priority in India according to the Constitution. Indeed Article 47 reads that the States are the only ones entitled (and obliged to) to providing drinking water and improving health