Definition of low life expectancy
Explain what causes people die at young age such as malnutrition, lack of education and poor health care system.
Increasing number of low life expectancy in developing countries
Main problems and consequences in third world
Possible solutions: Educate people from developing countries, improve health services and provide nutritional food.
Main body
Factor 1= malnutrition
Shortage of food as population is bigger and bigger these days which unbalance between the demand and supply of food
Disaster such as drought, flood causes unable to grow crops and vegetables in certain area of the world.
Aids go the wrong people. Even though those developing countries usually get aids from international countries, some people exploit aids from poor people.
Factor 2= Lack of education
Low level of female schooling (John C. Caldwell 1986 )
Limited access to the employment in outside which is highly unlikely to get a job
People do not have general knowledge to take care of themselves and prevent from contagious diseases.
As women do not understand child care, child mortality rate is significantly high
Factor 3= Poor health care system
Government do not have enough fund to support health equipment and medicine to hospitals or health care center
Lack of safe drinking water which contributes diseases such as malaria, diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections (Mahfuz Kabir 2008 )
Early child birth lead to low life expectancy
People do not have basic need as sanitary care ( Jeremy Lawrence 2007 )
Solution 1
Expand food production to overcome hunger
Try to stop corruption and mismanagement
Social status- narrow down the gap between the rich and poor. (Jeremy Lawrence 2007)
International aids
Solution 2
Allow female to attend school which will reduce child mortality
Education create employment
Rises people health awareness and social well-being
Educate citizens how to protect from contagious diseases
Solution 3
References: Caldwell, J.C (1986) Population and development review [electronic version] Routes to low mortality in poor countries 12(2), pp171-220. Fletcher C, Matthews B (2011), Skills for study level 1, 21-23 Kabir, M (2008) The journal of developing area [electronic version] Determinants of life expectancy in developing countries 41(2), pp185-204 Lawrence, J(2007) Thirty years: difference in life expectancy between the world 's rich and poor peoples, Retrieved 10/11/2013, From: Manson, B(2004) World Health Report: Life expectancy falls in poorest countries Retrieved 11/10/2013 From: Sachs. J(2005) The end of poverty : how we can make it happen in our lifetime, London, UK : Penguin Publishing.