May 1, 2012
Religion 108
Seeking Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit
The issue that I felt best represented my beliefs and theories from this class were the question of “Is God listening and can we be healed through Him?” From personal experience I have encountered instances in my life where I need to turn to God and other forms of relief to overcome hardships. Through prayer, practice of traditions and concentration of mind and faith, I have made peace with the things I find most difficult. Before reaching out to God, I had wondered why bad things happen while God is supposed to be watching over you and if miracles were in fact real or if was just luck. I have lost loved ones in my life that I know to be pure and all good and wondered why God took them from me when I prayed and begged for him to create miracles. This is why I wonder if He is listening and if He really has the power to do good by those who ask for it and if he is, why did he not answer my prayers?
When I was in high school my cousin was accidentally strangled by a seat belt; he was three years old. God took something from my family that day that could never be replaced and I wondered why he could cause so much pain by taking someone so innocent. This is one of the instances where I questioned God’s reasoning of what is good and bad. To take someone so pure and selfless would be committing a crime, what good did it do to anyone losing this child? How could someone who had barely lived out three years of his life be taken in an instant? Why would God want to inflict such great sorrows on a family who had only just begun to make relations with their young son? I thought about these questions for weeks, trying to come up with some sort of reasoning for all of this. I prayed for the opportunity for my aunt and uncle to find happiness again and the chance for the rest of my family to come to peace with what had happened. If God had been listening he would have provided this relief but
Cited: Dossey, Larry. “Dr. Larry Dossey 's Official Website.” Larry Dossey Barbara Dossey. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. <>. “NOOMA Rain | 001 - Rob Bell.” NOOMA®. Web. 13 Apr. 2012. <>. “CMED Institute : Free Media.” Myss. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. <>