of racism and poverty due to the lack of civil rights from the governing white people.
Do more fortunate races turn a blind eye to poverty stricken people, and racism the ruling factor in keeping the races apart “...Do you want negroes by the carload in our schools and churches and the altars?
Do you want them in our world’, said Atticus”(Lee 245). In the Novel “To Go Set a Watchman” it was a constant struggle for the main character Jean Louise to understand how her father could even think about people's worths as a spectrum of color and if you don't fit under the right one then you were not seen fit compared to the other. She also thought it was not right that her father thought that rights should be limited due to the color of your skin and everyone should have the same opportunities regardless. The colored community in the novle finally started to piece together money and have the nessitys in life but thats not the case when you barely old enougt to fend for your self. In the poem Peruvian child popele turned a blind to a poor child in need of help. “We wanted as ushall to hold a picture of the child in a white border, not to hold her mud crusted hands…” (Mara 548) The more fortunate people passing by felt sorry for the child and wished she wasn't dirty and poor but they did nothing to help. They ignored her like it wasn’t happening and only wanted the see a picture and not the real thing. If any thing from this paper that you take from it then learn the truth that most wouldn’t help and most would not make changes even if it’s for a human of a different
Now some people would say that racism has been gone for years and every one has always gotten the same rights in court and in society. But we have to remember that it's not true and Jim crow laws did once exist. Also people would say that your poor if you chose to be poor but that's not the case in some places it's connected to where you live, with seventy five percent of the poorest countries are in Africa. One in three people living in Africa living in the sub saharan desert are malnourished, and most do not have access to clean water. We can all pitch in as fellow human that are more fortunate than others and make the best life the most efficient life possible to all. That dream comes with no segregation borders and racism, poverty, and the inhuman way people are treated just because they are different.