Prepare yourself to spend vacations in Kashmir,
Where you will find lots of Pir.
The temperature will be around two or three,
And above all it is pollution free.
You must carry woolen blanket,
And something to prevent your tent.
Whether you go by train or by plane,
You will forget all your pain.
You must eat red apple,
In which nature has poured its love in ample.
You must visit saffron fields,
Which can’t be fit in your camera reels.
The round of ‘Dal’ in House-Boat,
Will leave no words in your throat.
The wool of sheep,
Will not let you creep.
You will surely find your favorite Bollywood star,
Who will be waiting for you with a Flower.
The hills have thick snow cover,
Which has very good medicinal power.
The people found here are only pink,
Who are as loving as little mink.
You will not feel happy coming from snow pool,
But sorry! You have to go to school.
You may plan for next holidays,
Till then remember those beautiful days…..
Life is full of joy & sorrow,
Enjoy it freely or in a deep burrow.
It’s yours you have to live it,
Don’t lose it by falling in a pit.
Look the dance of peacock in rain,
Look at caged bird pain.
Listen the lion roar,
Or a song of condor.
Speak like cuckoo sweet voice,
So that everyone listens you even a small mouse.
Search for the end of sea,
Or in a forest a tree.
So try to enjoy every moment of life,
Do not try to disturb a hive.
Don’t become selfish & jealous of other,
Treat the nature as your mother.
You will see your life becoming worthwhile,
When you walk along river a mile….
Gift of Nature
Nature has everything in plenty,
But you must take it silently.
The energy of sunlight,
Can heat up to any height.
The wind power,
Can cause movement even in a tower.
The waves of the sea,
Will take you anywhere you want to be.
The water of the rain,
Will make your blood in the vein.
The fruits of the garden,
Will fill your lots of carton.
The smell of the flower,
Will give you inner power.
The song of the