Q1. How to check contents of a file without extracting it? Explain diff.
Ans tar –tf filename
Note- diff command lists only the difference between two files.
Syntax- diff first_filesecond_file Q2 What are the types of DNS records?
Ans There are five types of DNS records- a) A records-
Address(A) records direct a hostname to a numerical I.P address
CNAME allows a machine to be known by one or more hostnames.There must always be an A record first, and this is known as the canonical or official name. For example: yourdomain.com. A .Using CNAME, you can point other hostnames to the canonical (A record) address. For example: ftp.yourdoman.com. CNAME yourdomain.com. mail.yourdomain.com. CNAME yourdomain.com. ssh.yourdomin.com. CNAME yourdomain.com.
CNAME records make it possible to access your domain through ftp.yourdomain.com, mail.yourdomain.com, etc. Without a proper CNAME record, you will not be able to connect to your server using such addresses.
NS records specify the authoritative nameservers for the domain.
Be sure to put a period after the nameserver hostname in an NS record (ns1.slamdot.com. and not ns1.slamdot.com ).
MX records
Free e-mail services such as everyone.net require that MX changes be made in order for their software to work. This change allows mail destined for your domain to be directed to their server. Please note that changing MX records will prevent your current POP3 accounts, forwarders, autoresponders, and mailing lists from functioning.
First, delete the old MX record by clicking the Delete icon under "Actions." There should now be no MX records listed.
Next, click Create DNS Record and enter a name for your MX record. Select MX for the type, and type in the hostname in the value field, followed by a period, given to you by the e-mail provider. Then select the priority level (usually 10) from the dropdown box. The priority level will also be given to you by the e-mail