Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Stela Borisova Tasheva
DETAILED SUMMARY of a PhD Thesis in the field of
"Theory and History of Architecture" Code 02 17 01
Scientific Advisor:
Dr. Arch. Dobrina Zheleva -Martins
Professor Dr. Hristo Kaftandjiev
Dr. Arch. Georgii Stanishev
The PhD thesis was discussed and proposed for defense proceedings on 6th March, 2012, after enlarged meeting of sector "Architecture", Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The dissertation consists of an introduction, two main parts, conclusion and contributions, thematic bibliography and annexes: thesaurus and listing of illustrations ' content and sources.
Statistics: 172 pages (453,233 characters or 252 standard printed pages), 101 illustrations
The public PhD defence was held on 22.06.2012 at 10:00 AM, in open session of the scientific jury: Professor Dr. Hristo Kaftandjiev, Dr. Arch. Georgii Stanishev, Dr. Joanna SpassovaDikova, Dr. Arch. Boyan Georgiev, Dr. Arch. Dobrina Zheleva-Martins, Professor Dr. Ivan Kasabov and Professor Dr. Nicolai Tuleschkov (alternate members).
The dissertation work is available to whom it may concern in the library of the Institute of
Art Studies at "Krakra" № 21, and in NACID database Sofia, Bulgaria. A detailed resume, scientific reviews and opinions in Bulgarian and English are posted on the website of the Institute of Art
As an initial convention it should be noted that PhD thesis was pioneer and fundamental in its scientific area. Thus, there was a significant expansion of studied fields (as to extract the essentials from any close topic), but a reduced concentration on different aspects and stages. In order that the thesis stays adhered to architectural field, specific terminologies of semiotics and technology were strictly avoided. The terms in the aspect they
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