K - Boredom is listening to a teacher drag on about something you don’t understand.
O - Boredom is listening to a teacher drag on about something that the teacher doesn’t even understand.
P - Boredom is learning about the culture, the environment, the democracy of a country you know nothing about, because you have not experienced it yourself.
O - Boredom is exactly what we’re trying to prevent. Put yourself in the pupil’s shoes, and think back to when you listened to a teacher droning on, as the information went in one ear and out the other ear. You stared out the window, desperately waiting for the torture to stop, so you can reply to that message, or get something from the Tuck Shop.
F - What better way to experience a country than to visit it? This is an incredibly modern form of teaching, as it is not in the typical classroom environment, but out and about in the vibrant, colorful and historical country of Senegal!
K - Now don’t fill your minds with thoughts of costs, and safety and all the traits that the black thinking hat encourages you to consider. We’ve got it all figured out!
P - We have put together a plan of exactly how this trip can be spent with twenty teenage students studying any subject, and two responsible teachers, with the emphasis of education, new experiences, culture, religion, poverty, democracy and service.
O - The trip will be planned for the 9th of August with SAA, until the 19th of August, lasting ten days and not one day will be wasted! It is a nine hour flight costing R9245 including airport tax. All in all the costs of the there and back flight will be a total of R203390.
F- Touch down in Dakar, the capital and largest city in Senegal. Today, Dakar is a sprawling, lively cosmopolitan city. Modern buildings stand side by side with impressive colonial architecture and