Every students were playing at the play station,
few of them could decide what they wanted to do, so I asked them if they want me to read them a book, they got very excited. Reading a book is a great experience for me, I really like how students pay attention during reading, how their faces change and how they react to every change in the story. While reading a book, students wanted to sit on my lap and as close as possible to me. We have created such a nice friendship between each other.
I enjoyed every moment is this classroom, each students was very special to me, their attitude toward me very special as well. I loved being there and observe how step-by-step they develop toward their accomplishments. When it was time to leave I didn’t tell the students that I am not going to come back I just said good bye and left. Mrs. Britanny said that they would remember and miss me because I interact and play with them.