Nurses need to be culturally sensitive to provide competent care. The cumulative diversity within the healthcare workforce itself has received much less attention; yet without attending to increasing diversity in both groups, it is doubtful that efforts to improve cultural competence will be successful. One may be aware of many different cultures, but due to one’s biases, he or she will still not provide the appropriate care. In order for healthcare providers to become culturally competent they need to have the desire, skills, awareness and knowledge. Cultural competence among primary care givers is crucial to identify problems and create proper plans of care for the patient.…
-Value the hispanic culture and encourage the patient to incorporate their beliefs and cultures in their healthcare.…
Many health care organizations are now calling for multicultural competent health care professionals. It is suggested cultural competence is as an ethical obligation and cross -cultural skills should be placed on a level of parity with other specialized skills (2009). Within each culture exists an incredible diversity of groups and subgroups (2011). Achieving a base of knowledge for each group creates a challenge.…
This article was a pilot education program that was developed to look at enhancing cultural awareness, knowledge and skill in caring for Latino patients at home and to measure cultural competency levels in Home Care RN’s. The conclusion of the article was that Cultural competency is part of the foundation of nursing and that the presence of cultural competency helps the clinician accept the patient as a unique individual with unique cultural…
In 2003, The National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC) has provided a checklist provides guidance for ways to implement cultural competent care by nurses. One of the ways implement cultural care included in the list are for facilities to create a cultural competence task force, organization, committee, or work group. The NCCC stated that the group should be responsible for “policy making, administration, practice/service delivery and consumer levels and reflect the diversity within the organization and the community at large.” Additionally, determine the racially, ethnically, culturally and linguistically diverse groups within your geographic location served by the facility. Furthermore, determine which health disparities affect the population that are served by the facility. Next, it suggested to complete self-assessments, network and dialogue with other organizations, and seek resources from federally and privately funded assistance…
“Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a person 's learned, accumulated experience which is socially transmitted behavior through social learning” (Hill, 2012, p. 84). The definition of culture sums up the uniqueness of each patient and each nurse as we are living within a communal experience. The self-assessment tool specifically was evaluating my personal level of culturally competent care giving abilities. Cultural competent care is a complicated integration of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that enhance cross-cultural communications in appropriate and effective interactions according to Kelly, in the book, Nursing Leadership and Mmanagement (2011, p. 591). I would like to intervene consistently when I observe other staff engaging in culturally insensitive behavior or reflecting prejudice. This is something I do not do currently.…
The presence of cultural competence in the health care system and what it means for the health of our diverse population, is something that should be part of the schooling for healthcare providers. Cultural Competence in the health care system is described as the ability to tend to the needs of patients through understanding their linguistic and cultural differences. Our vast, diverse population in the United States makes cultural competence in health care imperative. Without it, we cannot provide other cultures with the effective and comforting health care they need and deserve. In order for culturally diverse people to receive the proper health care they need, health care practitioners must be well versed in other cultures. Their ability…
This 2011-2012 study was conducted to determine if cultural competence training would be a positive influence a pediatric health care provider’s understanding and treatment of culturally diverse patients. 69 participants were chosen from the Nemours Children’s Health System, from a variety of departments including both inpatient and outpatient physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and other health care workers. The participants were required to take a pre-training self assessment, a two-part cultural competence training program, and a post-training self assessment one year later. The training program consisted of an internet-based module followed by group discussion. According to the post-training self assessment surveys, participants…
New York City is rich with culture and tradition from around the world. Some of the major challenges I expect to face from working in this environment are the potential cultural divides that can exist between the patient and physician. Language barriers and societal disparities are among some examples that I expect to come across. The ability to be willing to view your patient as an individual, with their own customs and outlooks, forms a large role in building trust between the patient and provider. Though at times cultural differences can be detrimental in providing optimal care to the patient, the right mindset can significantly improve patient-physician cooperation. My multicultural heritage has given me the unique opportunity to interact empathetically with people from various cultural backgrounds.…
Culture and values are standards that influence and shape human behaviors, decision making processes, personal relationships, and status of health and happiness. The United States has become a symbol of a multicultural society representing many different ethnicities and minority groups. As our culture continues to grow rapidly so is the necessity to increase awareness, understanding, and tolerance of these diverse groups. As health care providers we must understand the basic needs of our patients, whether they are black, white, green or purple, and the repercussions of prejudices and cultural insensitivities. Health care providers need to become responsive to the cultural values of different peoples and how these could augment effective and humanistic care delivery (Edelman, 2010).…
There are several key components of a comprehensive cultural assessment when talking to a Hispanic patient. Communication is one of those key components. Hispanics are often multicultural in a language with their main language as Spanish and English is their second language (Gonzalez & Morrison 2016). Communication can also depend on the person’s education level and what gender they are since some cultures have women as second-class citizens and sometimes men talk for them. Hispanics are often flexible with time. They would rather spend time with family and friends and making them feel comfortable than to rush around being concerned about appointments and time. Hispanic are a very close culture they like to kiss each other on the cheek…
Cultural competence in nursing is defined as the incorporation of personal cultural diversity experience, awareness, and sensitivity into everyday practice ( Schim & Dorenbos,2010; Schim, Dorenbos, Benkert, & Miller, 2007). A nurse that is culturally competent will be able to gain the trust, understanding, and utmost respect of a patient that has a different cultural background or holds a different set of beliefs. Cultural competence is important now more than ever as the population grows and becomes more racially diverse. Asians and non white Hispanics are the largest growing minority groups in the United States, and a culturally competent nurse will be able to deliver care to every patient they encounter. Hispanics are less likely than the…
In our society, nurses don 't have to travel to faraway places to encounter all sorts of cultural differences, such as ethnic customs, traditions and taboos. The United States provides plenty of opportunities for challenges stemming from cultural diversity. To be culturally competent the nurse needs to learn how to mix a little cultural understanding with the nursing care they offer. In some parts of the United States culturally varied patient populations have long been the norm . But now, even in the homogeneous state of Maine where we reside, we are seeing a dramatic increase in immigrants from all over the world. These cultural differences are affecting even the most remote settings.…
I have the experience of volunteering for two times. Both schools that I went to are very poor school as most of students come from neighbor countries such as Myanmar and Cambodia, whom their parents immigrate illegally to Thailand for working opportunity. Also the school director tries to help this children by give them opportunity to study without tuitions fee, which is make financial support from the government is not enough. Therefore, my friends and I went to give the necessary stuffs such as sport facilities and some amount of money that my friends and I did the donation from kind-hearted people. We also educated them in various topics such as teach them English daily use sentences and basic economics in term of how to saving. The reason that I choose to teach them how to saving is I found that their family financial status is not good, so it is necessary for them to use money correctly and make sure that they will not overspending.…
The United States is the country of immigrants with different believes, values and traditions. Hispanic culture is one of the largest national, ethnic groups living in America. According to US census bureau, in 2011 Hispanic people take approximately17.2% of the population of America and by the year of 2050 the Hispanic people will be reaching 30% of all the people living in America (CDC, 2013). Knowing that, healthcare workers should be knowledgeable and competent of different traditions, believes, values and practices related to health when it comes to providing good care for Hispanic community.…