Case Study Sarina never had the opportunity to go preschool an didn’t begin her formal education in the public schools until the age of 6. She is now 15 years old and goes to Eastmont Junior High. Sarina does not verbally speak, walk, hear, or see. Professionals have used several labels to describe her, including severely disabled, severely multiple handicapped, deaf-blind and profoundly mentally retarded. Sarina has a support team of administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, and peers who work together to meet the instructional, physical, and medical needs. She also needs some level of support in everything she does, ranging from eating and taking care of personal hygiene to communicating with others. Sarina has a personal communicating board with picture symbols that keeps her in constant contact with teachers, friends, and family. Through the use of electronic wheelchair. She is also learning to feed herself independently. Sarina lives at home with her family, including three brothers. What she loves to do most is go shopping with her mom, at the local mall, eat with friends at a fast-food restaurant, relax on the lawn in the neighborhood park, and play miniatures golf.
Severe and Multiple Disabilities * This refers to the presence of two or more different types of disability, at times at a profound level. The combination of disabilities makes it necessary to make specific adaptations and have more specialized educational programs. * The nature of their disabilities extends equally into the fields of education, medicine , psychology and social services. Because these individuals present such diverse characteristics and require the attention of several professionals.
Historical Descriptions of Severe Disabilities * Terminology associated with severe disabilities has communicated a sense of hopelessness and despair. * the condition was described as “extremely