Sometimes in health and social care, professionals find it hard to be able to communicate with patients and clients because of reasons such as disabilities.
Sometimes people with certain disabilities need help and support in order to communicate with professionals effectively.
People with learning difficulties may need to have a advocate with them who talks behalf of the person who may feel nervous or uncomfortable because they have learning difficulty. They may also feel confused because of the terminology that the professionals may use that the patient may not understand.
There are also many types of services that help people with disabilities in order to interact effectively with the professionals such as, signers, translators, physiologists, and mentors.
Some patients or clients may have different types of disabilities such as being death. People who have ear imperilment often have signers who will sign whatever is being said by the professional and to the patient who is unable to hear to be able to interact effectively with what is being said by the professional.
People who are unable to speak English will have a translator with them who is someone who translates one language into another for the patient so the patient and professional is able to communicate with each other.
Some patients use some forms of technologies such as hearing aids and mobile phones to be able to text and communicate. Hearing aids are made for people with hearing imperment, to be able to hear clearly by adjusting the volume to a good level to be able to help them hear clearly. Texting is also another form of communication as some people that are death may prefer communicating with professionals through text.
Patients and clients may have preffered languages which may include first language, braile, makaton and sign. People that are