John Fletcher
Advanced Research Methods
23 July 2013
Sex Education of Today’s Society
In today’s society one has to try to determine whether we as adults are adequately preparing our young adults and teenagers for the responsibilities of adult hood, specifically when it come to relationships, sexual education available to them, and sexual intercourse. We are going to look at a few topics that need to be answered to see whether we are truly preparing our next generation appropriately to become parents and well informed young adults. The questions we seek to answer are: Are people who have their first child at a younger age more likely to favor sex education in public schools than people who have children at a later age; Are people of a younger age more likely to support the use of birth control use of teenagers than people of a later age; and Are people more likely to favor premarital sex amongst young adults over premarital sex amongst teenagers?
Trying to understand how modern society relates to the subject of sex education can help guide and mold our next generation of young parents and adults. This is important to help young adults evolve from the common idiom of allowing history to repeat ones mistakes. If one does not take steps to inform them, then we are condemning them to repeat our past mistakes, by educating them and molding them to be prepared for young adulthood we can help prevent unwanted pregnancies, stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and hopefully give them a better start to their adult lives.
Why do we, as a modern society, want to provide sex education to our children? Well the simple truth is many of us older adults are not educated enough about sex to teach them what sexually transmitted diseases there are out there, many adults tend to be afraid to let their children know what we did at their age, and some of us really are not prepared to explain how,
References: 6. Kohler, Pamela K., Manhart, Lisa E., Lafferty, William E. (2008). Abstinence-Only and Comprehensive Sex Education and the Initiation of Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy. Elsevier. Journal of Adolescent Health | |