Gordon, Mary. "Sexualizing Children: Thoughts on Sally Mann." Salmagundi, no. 111, Summer96, pp. 144-145. EBSCOhost, library.collin.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=hft&AN=509610591&site=ehost-live. Gordon wants us, the reader, to think of the relationship of the mother and child, and says that Sally Mann has made her young children become objects of sexual attraction. Gordon also questions Mann’s ethics of her …show more content…
Hold Still: a Memoir with Photographs. New York, Little Brown and Company, 2015. Mann’s book is a book of her life. It has the history of her parents as well as the history of her husband’s parents, her father was a small town doctor but his favorite pastime was making weird sculptures, he was an artist at heart and the reason she started taking pictures. Mann has three chapters(6, 7, and 8) in the book talking about how she came to taking the pictures for the series “Immediate Family” and the aftermath(controversy) of it. This is a strong source because it’s written by Sally Mann and it’s in her point of