“Tongue nor heart cannot conceive nor name thee!” (2.3. 74). Thy greatest king hath been murdered. Thoughts of sorrow and wondering have filled thee. Who wouldst do such a thing? Was thy host not watchful enough with the most honored man in his presence? Maybe thou should have stayed with his Majesty for he is of the highest nobility and honor possible. Who ever hath committed this crime is guilty of murder and treason. Oh! The people, the people! What shall become of them without thy leader? Will the criminals roam the streets, with the people fearing to leave their homes? All of these are questions with no answers! I do believe it’s my turn to step in and allow myself the privilege of discovering which fiend it was that hath murdered his Majesty, the king. At first, it was thought to be the beast like guards who stood outside the king’s chamber. It deeply concerns me as to why Macbeth would dispose of them so soon after the death of his royal highness without the chance to probe their minds with questions and make them face the rest of Scotland as those whom betrayed their leader. Maybe it was the sons of the great Duncan which have set up the murderous plot to gain the throne for their own selfish purpose. The fact that they have left the country and fled in opposite directions is beyond my knowledge. If they wanted to be king, why murder your own father and flee to a different country…? What about the recently promoted Thane of Cawdor? He holds much too great of an honor and sincerely respected Duncan. But still, he did murder the guards; maybe he was hiding something like a vital piece of information. Now that I think of it, if I had been the one in Macbeth’s position, I too may have lost my temper. In the wise words of Macbeth, “Who can be wise, amazed, temp’rate, and furious,/ Loyal, and neutral, in a moment? No man.” (2.3. 27-28).…