The Shapiro-Wilk normality test also rejects that the TOEIC score has a normal distribution since the p-value is .000 which is less than 5 percent. For a distribution to be considered normal, p-value has to be greater than 5% (Field, 2013). However, the number of the sample (N=115) is large enough to consider it a non-issue. Also, the boxplot shows 2 outliers in …show more content…
Multiple regressions were used to test H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, and H7. Multiple regression is the most often used statistical tool for analyzing data in behavioral research (Pedhazur, 1997). More specifically it is often used when relationships between variables are examined. The dependent variable in the study is the unofficial TOEIC score, representing the English readiness of the respondents. This is the variable this study wish to explain. The independent variables, on the other hand, are the variables used to explain or predict the dependent variable. In this study, they are Age of Exposure, Integrativeness, Cultural Interest, Milieu, Ideal Self, Direct Contact, and Economic Incentive. The cross sectional multiple regression model of this study is as follows:
TOEICi = β0 + β1aExposurei + β1bAge+ β2EconomicIncentivesi + β3IdealSelfi + β4Integrativenessi + β5DirectContacti + β6CulturalInteresti + β7Miliu + εi
The estimate of the regression equation, as shown in table__, indicates that the model is significant overall, at F= 18.58 and p-value < 0. Also, the model fit is very good (R-squared =.59). However, it is necessary to diagnose the model also to verify whether it follows the assumptions for regression, or …show more content…
The test of Homogeneity of Variance indicates that the variances of the group scores are equal. The p-values based on mean and median in the Test of Homogeneity of Variance are 28% and 31.8% respectively. To consider a significant difference, p-value based mean or median should be less than 5%. The Test of Homogeneity of Variance result also suggests that ANOVA F-test statistics is also appropriate to be used in testing the difference of the mean of the 2 groups Checking further using ANOVA F-test, the resulting p-value is 12.2%, higher than the significant level of 5%, confirming that there is no significant difference in the mean TOEIC scores of the male and female respondents. For this reason, H8a is not