The student learning outcome I chose to research is the relationship between the development of oral language and the development of literacy. These are in the InTASC standards 1,2,4,5, and 8. Oral Language is the listening and speaking part of communication and is a process that develops naturally. The roots of oral language are listening, speaking, opportunities for conversation, and vocabulary development. Oral language development and vocabulary are directly linked to reading comprehension. As a teacher it will be your job to provide opportunities and support for students to develop their oral language. Oral Language lays the foundation for reading comprehension. Students have to be able to understand language at the oral level in order to be expected to understand it at the text level. If a student can only understand a 6 word sentence orally then they will only be able to understand those 6 words they read in a book. Oral language begins very early. Even before babies can say words they begin to coo and make sounds that develop into words. Parents should talk to babies and tell them the names of objects. Encouraging babies to say syllabus and repetitive sounds like “mama” and “dada” are great ways to begin oral development. If I child never hears any words or language spoken to them then how can they ever be expected to speak that language. As a teacher you should incorporate the following into your classroom to encourage oral language development; engage children in extended conversations, encourage children to tell and retell stories and events, discuss a wide range of topics and word meanings, use new and unusual words, ask open-ended questions, encourage language play. Some things for students to do to develop their oral language are; explore and experiment with language, name and describe objects in the classroom, ask and answer why, who, what, when, where and how questions, hear good models of language use, and…