Discrimination can cause emotional, physical and social effects on a person or child. They can become withdrawn, insecure (child might cry and not want to stay in the nursery) lack of confidence (not attempting to try new things) low self esteem, depression, stress , children become very attached to their parent/carers as they might feel unwanted. Anger, frustration, negative thoughts and behaviour issues. People become isolated they don’t socialize, which means they can lack in friends, building relationships can be challenging as they will lack people skills. Lack of interest in work, education generally not motivated to achieve which will result in not achieving high grades, good job prospects and lack of knowledge too.
Physical effects will be change in diet loss of weight or over eating, lacking in energy and poor personal hygiene (not taking care of themselves).
Discriminations in the wider society can have many different effects the person getting discriminated is not always the person effected it can have a huge effect on the whole family, they also feel the discrimination too, verbal abuse, labelling and name calling, family atmosphere and morale is low. Feeling left out in the community not wanting to go out the house worried about what the people might say and act. Feeling upset as it’s hard to see a loved one upset having to go through discrimination. Being discriminated because we come from different family backgrounds (having gay or lesbian parents or the parents of gay children).
Another example which recently the law has passed was many societies did not agree to gay and lesbian marriage and people had faced much discrimination and still do which affects their day to day business affairs.
People usually discriminate and hate when it’s happen to them or to a loved one. They can discriminate due to the upbringing (being raised in a small community and lack understanding