The heart lies in the thoratic cavity, organs associated with the heart are inferiorly, the hearts apex rested on the tendon of the diaphragm, superiorly, the great blood vessels, posteriorly the oesophagus, trachea and the left and right bronchus, laterally, the lungs and anteriorly the sternum and ribs. (Waugh& Grant 2014). The heart provides a constant blood circulation action and the blood vessels provide a network for the blood flow. The heart is the pump responsible for maintaining adequate circulation of oxygenated blood around the vascular network of the body, ( the right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs (pulmonary circulation) and the left side receives oxygenated blood and supplies it to the rest of the body (systemic circulation). There are three types of blood vessel, arteries, capilleries and veins. Blood is pumped from the heart through the arteries at high pressure which could damage the tissue so it needs to go through the capillaires which are smaller low pressure blood vessels that are responsilbe for providing oxygen to the tissues, they also absord excess carbon dioxide and then deliver the blood into the veins which then supply the blood back to the heart. The heart generates its own electrical impulses, it does not rely on any other external mechanisn to make it beat. A normal heart rate is 60-80 times per minute, factors which can decrease or…