A few weeks after the baby was delivered from her mother’s fruitful body, she endured internal complications. When asked to specify these internal complications, her mother answered, “You were always in the hospital and would get sick a lot. It was hard to find food you’d eat.” Although her life started off on a steep hill, it shockingly bounced back up to a healthier state. As she grew up, one would often find Ms. Dinh snacking every few hours and living profoundly well. Her immune system developed to the strength where it was difficult to bear sickness for long. The little girl grew up healthy and happy, but this happiness only lay within her home. At home, Ms. Dinh found a peace within books and the prideful comfort of her loving parents. Outside of it, she suffered internally from society. Due to her wits and quite overbearing personality, the children at school resolved to feign friendships and blatantly discriminate her physical attributes, causing her immense pain. Fate decided to feel sorrow for the girl and moved her to another school, where she met a cordial human environment. Alas, Ms.Dinh met true friends and formed new …show more content…
Every fold and crease, every bulge, although there was always merely a small abundance of it, ignited the same yearning for an ideal figure. Such a controversial topic would be defined to her as a form with all the fat and curves in the right places, placed evenly and beautifully like the ones she admired on People magazine. No matter what people so routinely advised her and no matter how much research she Googled online, it seemed as if there was no hope for an appeasement of her suffering. While this inner struggle devoured the helpless child, an external force brought no avail to the situation. This customary external force was no other than her own parents, the people who once provided her with the unlimited bount of paternal love now yielded much of what she believed and still believes is her interpretation of false love. If Ms. Dinh were asked to compose a brief statement summing up her ultimate exposition of what she understands to be “parents” using three words, she would simply state the following: supportive, loving, and kind. Despite their initial position as the perfect “parents” in her early childhood, she has finally concluded them to fail all such standards today. For many blind, unfathomable years, the girl wondered, “Why?” again and again. She wondered about why they would choose her education over health, her overprotected safety