What type of morale boost does this coach give to the team she coaches? None in fact she would have done much better if she stuck with coaching soccer. She wasn’t open to what would work for the team after all the team did what she asked of them, but all she did as a coach is knocked down the teams morale.
Shirley effectiveness as a leader Shirley (the coach) effectiveness as a leader should have been that she realized that her strategy for the team wasn’t working, the team didn’t benefit from what they were learning in practice and she needs to take another approach in making this team a good team and push for a game win. If she would have opened up to some suggestion from the team co-captain and the team they would have had a better chance of winning.
The leader style that would be more effective The best leader style for Shirley; would be the participative style, because this way everyone can be a part of the decision making the coach and the team co-captain could have worked out strategies together with the understanding that the coach makes the final decision. The best style of leadership depends on qualities of the leader, characteristic of the followers, and the nature of the situation. (McGraw-Hill, …show more content…
The ways in which manager’s influence their subordinates have been examined in terms of “influence tactics” (Kipnis et al., 1980; Yukl & Falbe, 1990), which are leadership behaviors that are utilized to gain support for policies and decisions, and to motivate subordinates to implement them.(Clarke, & Ward, 2006).
The best way to be a leader or to lead people is to first know what it’s like to be on the other side by being a follower, once you learn how to follow work your way up to become a leader and take with you some of the things you learned as you climb the ladder. Never assume anything, know your facts before you react. Become part of the team by getting involved, don’t sit around given out order and if things fell, your point the fingers, a good leader takes full responsibility for their action and of those whom they lead. Understand being a leader doesn’t always mean you have to always be in front, it means that you can lead from any position you’re