
Should Athletes Be Drug Tested Essay

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Should Athletes Be Drug Tested Essay
Athletes should be drug tested because it can cause many problems for example. Bryan Berard was caught using steroids when playing in the NHL. Steroids can cause health problems. For example, “ Aggression, hostility, and depression are known side effects of steroid use.”Steroids can cause many health problems at a young age. Use of steroids can ruin your life. If you have a family your family will leave you. If you have a job you can lose your job. If you play a sport you can be kicked out of your sport. Steroids can cause many bad side effects.

Athletes should be drug tested. For reasons, “ Anabolic steroids can cause aggression, hostility, and depression is known side effects of steroid use.” (Bouchard, Erika / Sprague, Nancy) Athletes should be drug tested in order to play a sport or get a job. Drugs can cause side effects which could harm yourself or others. Drugs can cause health problems and affect your everyday life.
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Getting drug tested is an important thing because you could be working for a bank. If you are on drugs you can harm somebody and be sent to prison or executed. people should be drug tested to get a job are to play a sport. Drugs can cause your family to leave and you could lose your job. If you lose your family and your job you have a chance of committing suicide. Drugs can cause your life to be tragic and committing suicide. Not doing drugs is important b/c you can get a good job and a happy family. Not doing drugs can increase your lifespan a lot for. Steroids can cause many life

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