There is more than one side to the debate about cell phone availability during school. One claim is that students should be allowed to have their phones on them and use their cell phones during appropriate times. In the article, the authors provide details about how there are numerous reasons why cell phones should be allowed during school. Students should be allowed access to cell phones, because if they are responsible enough to be going off to college in a year or so, they should be responsible enough to have a cell phone on them and use it wisely (George and Cook). Another reason why cell phones should be allowed in school is because otherwise it can create a divide between the students and the teachers. Students are so invested in their phones, so if a teacher…
I believe that students should be allowed to have their phones available to them during school hours. The administrators of our school have shunned the use of cell phones at all time during school hours. We can’t even have them within reach. If they’re not in our lockers or cars then you run the risk of it being confiscated. I believe that if administrators allow phone use in schools then grades will become much better. Some schools in Texas, including my old school, allowed phones to be used regulary. Students had much better grades than in Jenks where phone use is prohibited.…
Cell Phones shouldn't be aloud in schools because of all the bullying and harassment that goes on in the classroom. They could use their cellular devices for cheating on worksheets, quizzes, and tests. Students can take pictures of other students without their permission and post them on social media accounts like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. But Cell Phones should be aloud in school because they can take their homework home and be able to find their assignments easier. They should also be allowed in schools because it is easier for the students to follow along in reading and watching videos.…
Some people would say the use of cell phones during class should be allowed at schools. Teachers think of cell phones for the use of to text, call, or for music and games. Teachers also think that cell phones are a use to cheat, but really cell phones are a great resource in class.…
Cell phones may be a very useful tool in school because they contain multiple uses including a camera, a messaging system, a calculator, and even a web browser on some models. This may sound like a good suggestion to have one in school, but allowing cell phones in school is not a good idea. Many students will abuse their cell phones abilities like texting in class which will distract the student and prevent the student from learning. Therefore, cell phones should not be allowed in school because it will lure the student to use it and it will cause many problems for the student and the teacher.…
For various reasons, I believe schools should ban the use of cell phones at school. Some people might argue that students could use their cell phones as educational tools; however, personally, I am one of the students who you could say has a “cell phone addiction.” I am usually the one teachers catch texting from the corner of their eye as my fingers move quickly across the keyboard of my cell phone during class. Also, teachers find cell phones distracting. If a student is texting during class they cannot put their full, undivided attention into what the teacher is saying, there for what is the point of trying to explain something to someone who isn’t paying attention. Finally, teachers come to school to educate students because it is their job, and they find it disrespectful if a student isn’t listening.…
I strongly agree that cell phones should be allowed on school grounds. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First having cell phones can be a helpful learning tool to teachers. Max Gold supported my opinion. He stated “By using texting as a positive tool instead of a means of distraction educators can now have student’s text in the answers that the students have questions on. Also Greenberg High School stated “The Students who have a smart phone can use various applications that are designed to assist in learning and designed just for students. Many of these smart phones have programs that are similar to what is found in a laptop or desktop computer. Being able to quickly look up facts on the internet is possible on many phones. If a student needs assistance with class work and does not have access to a computer, a smart phone can be used in a snap. Also most private schools allow cell phones. In private schools the prevailing view is that cell phones are here to stay. They are an essential line of communication between frantically busy parents and their children. As a result, most private schools allow cell phones on their premises with the understanding that phones must be turned off during class and only used under certain conditions and in specified places. Most schools have very specific guidelines written into their handbooks and acceptable use policy manuals. All students agree to abide by those rules both while on the school premises and also while under the school's jurisdiction when off campus. second opinion is parents can keep in contact with their children. Maya Cohen supported this reason by stating that “Cell phones create a convenience that was previously unavailable. With cell phones, you…
Should cell phones be allowed in Piedmont High School? Although there should be regulations to this allowance, I believe they should be allowed because cell phones have many uses that may prove to be helpful to students. For example, my laptop crashed recently while I was in school. The only way I could access my assignments and reminders was through my cell phone. Some may argue that cell phones are only a distraction. A lot of students at Piedmont High School play on their phones during lessons. This causes the teacher to stop class to tell the student to put their phone away. At the same time, it is the students fault if they miss important information due to them using their cell phone. Allowing cell phones in class will tech responsibility by giving them a choice of when to use it.…
Cell phones are great technical devices and important today in modern life, but they should not be allowed in the class room. Cell phone use should be saved for after class. They could be used for researching things for class but not while in class. Cell phones are distracting, can be used for cheating, and are even disrespectful to the teacher.…
No,no,no put up the phone! Cell phones should not be allowed in class because it is distracting,difficult to teach, and it don’t stay put away. They should notbe allowed because the children needs to be focused on their school work and grades and not some silly snapchat and instagram. They can do all of that when they get out the classroom or when they get home from school.…
One reason I think we should not ban technology in classrooms is because it can be a good source of information. Generally, cell phones have internet access which students can use to find information for projects and assignments. One time, my biology class used laptops, but there were not enough laptops for everyone. Therefore, having a cell phone to go on the internet would be helpful. In this case, a cell phone would do more good than harm.…
I think that cell phones not okay for school because students have been making calls in class. For example when student doing his classwork and his parents calling him its bad for him because he cannot finish his classwork.…
Should there or should there not be Cell Phones at school In my opinion, I believe that there should not be cell phones at school. Everybody loves to have them and use them all the time and they could be useful at times. This Means that if everyone brought their cell phones no work would be done. If phones were allowed the students would use them for fun and not for school.…
I have strong convictions that allow me to believe that schools should not allow cell phone use. While in class, cellphones are a distraction to students. They can also be used to cheat on a test. In the article, “ Should Schools Allow Cell Phone Use During the School Day?” by Henry Punoinoin, he encapsulated the idea that schools should not allow cell phone use.…
Cell phones in schools shouldn't be allowed for many reasons. Some people believe that cell phones provide a distraction for students at school. Students should have to communicate with each other face to face and not through a screen. The technology world has definitely took a turn and became more advanced. There are many pros and cons to this. One of those cons is in fact the world of communication where people do not talk or communicate in the way they should. The bottom line is, phones should not be allowed in the classroom.…