Censorship is well needed within schools in order to assure that the minds of students are strictly focused on educational websites, but not to such an extreme. …show more content…
Censorship is beneficial, but should be lessened and controlled by a staff members rather than higher authorities such as the School board. According to the law the only websites that are required to be blocked within schools is those containing pornographic material. Sound curriculum development requires that educators with professional expertise decide which materials are educationally appropriate, consistent with the school district’s educational philosophy and goals and state law. School officials also have the constitutional duty to ensure that curriculum development and selection decisions are not made with the aim of advancing any particular ideological, political or religious viewpoint (NCAC). Schools put filtering software in place as part of the requirement of the Children's Internet Protection Act, a U.S. law passed in 2001 covering public schools and libraries (Wagner). The law states that filtering to protect children against "inappropriate" and "harmful …show more content…
One of the possible solutions is that teachers should be able to unlock blocked educational sites with a given password. The overall solution requires the teachers and staff members to have a higher authority over the school internet. The teachers are the key to the problem because they have a job that requires them to gain trust with the students, meaning that they can observe the learning styles of each student, and decide what should and should- not be restricted to students. Have Quality teaching depends on the freedom to select materials and techniques. Teachers and librarians/media specialists must have the right to select instructional material/library materials without censorship or legislative interference (NEA). Staff members should be responsible for determining the content they give children permission to view when using the Web. Most young children are not looking for trouble, but are trying to navigate the Web for learning and fun. Every company providing Web services used by children as well as adults has editorial standards (Hooper). Censorship is unnecessary if children can explore age-appropriate educational and entertaining Web sites, as long as companies don’t advertise sexual or violent material or links to any inappropriate material. The monitoring done by Staff