The fist reason why I think children should be restricted from media screens and any type of other screen is because as it states in the first passage"Screen time takes a mental and physical toll on kids.". So by the hour your child sits infront the tv or any …show more content…
Just from viewing tv these affects are given to your child after a period of time.
The Last and final reason i thik children should be restricted from media screen and any type of other screen is my persomal one which is OBESITY. Obesity is the number one on the lsit for me because in the first passage it says"Depression has also been linked o screen viewing before sleep at night" then i goes on to say "Tie netween TV viewing and obesity have always been strong". I think this is exaxtly right from past persoanl experience also. Tv viewing for HOURS has been leading to eating and eating junk food all day. Especially if you have that one favorite show you watch and you're addicted to.
What do you think? Do you agree with me and think children should be restricted from spending time infront of media screens? If you chnaged your mind after reading this I totally agree with you. There are some pros and cons to it, but no child should sit infront of media screens for more than 1 to 2 hours.In This essay i hope you understood and know why myself personally thinks children should not be infront of media screen or any other type of screen such as iphones,tablets, and videogames