In the article “In Defense of the Liberal Arts”, Lane Wallace gives an example of what someone could do if they drop out of college. It also explains why staying in college and earning a degree is important. I agree with the article and believe that staying in school will benefit the student in the long run, even if they don’t think it is important.…
Larry Cuban, a former social studies high school teacher, superintendent, manages to compress the mantra that has been repeated for several of years with his article entitled, “Why Everyone Shouldn’t Go To College”. He accomplishes this by giving us countless of interesting facts about the reality of college and life. He argues that the annual college tuition seems to be extremely expensive, that may not worth the amount of money you’re paying.In addition, he makes note that college graduates working at manufacturing places that don’t need college diplomas, in order to complete their job. Furthermore, he makes clear that one might be a high school dropout or graduate of high school and can still be highly…
As the value of the educational degrees deteriorate each year, so do the number of graduates. The idea that the high cost of college debt will turn into high returns is no longer a belief. Where a high school degree once sufficed for entrance into a middle class or occupational field, now a college degree is practically required. A bachelor’s degree is the new high school diploma, a master’s degree is the new BA, and so forth. My friend Jamie graduated the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s in Epidemiology. Her degree wasn’t enough to continue in a valid career so she then took a job bartending in order to sustain not only her everyday means, but also the finances that come along with graduating, such as student loans. Being thousands of dollars in debt with no prospect of getting jobs in desired fields or being underemployed may deter those currently enrolled in school and validate their reasoning for dropping out.…
After high school students have the choice of attending college, however there are many obstacles in the way for students to go. Students make the choice of attending college and it depends on the way they want to live their life. Most people right after high school just want to earn money, but they do not want to work for it. College is worth it because you are more employable, earn more money, and have a better quality of life.…
Getting the right amount of sleep is very important in everyone's life and are especially important for teenagers. Teenagers have what is called their natural sleep clocks. Therefore, waking up early and going to sleep early is difficult. Being a high school student is an extremely hard job to have, but could it benefit teenagers that classes begin and end later in the day? It most defiantly does benefit the teenager, but you cannot forget about the afterschool activities. If high school classes begin and end later in the day, students will be more focused and successful. It is very difficult for a student to wake up early and be expected to stay focused. For example, he or she has to wake up at the crack of dawn to get ready for a long day of school. His or hers first period class is honors English, but are failing because he cannot stay awake…
To start off with students that graduate are far less likely to be unemployed. In source D the author states, "Three decades ago, full-time workers with a bachelor's degree made 40 percent more than those with only a high school diploma." The above statement means, that people who go to college generally make more money than people who don't.…
Now people should realize that students should stay in school until 18 for two reasons. One reason is because they will get a higher education. Another reason is because they will get a better job/income. On the opposing side, some people argue that students should not stay in school until they're 18. There are many other reasons for students that should stay in school until 18 but these are the most important . Hopefully now people will realize that staying in school is a foundation for a good…
In modern day society, only 65.9% of kids go to college. This means only 65.9% of kids are able to get college benefits. Going to college is a requirement for certain jobs. When graduating high school, the choice to go to college or not is available to every student. Kids who go to college are more successful in life because they can get higher paying jobs, they learn how to become independent, and they live a healthier life.…
A big bonus in going to college is the end results, which is making more money as a graduate. Everybody wants money and everybody needs it. Students out of college who have earned their degree have a higher chance of getting a higher salary than a student with just a high school diploma or G.E.D. As the years go on a high school diploma will be worth less and…
The implications of dropping out of high school are enormous, including a higher risk of poverty and a shortened lifespan. The person who has dropped out of school has a tendency to be employed in a low income job. These are the people who look forward to government resources. A person’s future is more guaranteed when he or she is educated. They can be anything in life if they are educated. Without education a person’s aspirations in life could be limited. According to research, a high school graduate will earn an average of $7,480 more a year than a high school dropout (Pou).…
Students. Teachers. Parents. All Year, School. Suffering. Benefits. Multiple points of view. There is too much debate about whether all year school should be a thing or not. School Administrators think of it as a positive thing, but almost everyone else either sees it as a negative thing, or it does not affect them. In general, the School wants the best for not only the students and teachers but the parents as well, but what is the best for them?…
All things considered, going to college, is the best path that any high functioning member of society can take. College graduates are more likely to vote, volunteer, and overall take better care of themselves that those without. People that only have high school diplomas are more likely to be unemployed or fall into poverty…
Lastly, you accumulate higher wages. These three reasons fit hand in hand together. You earn your diploma, you go to college, find a great job and a humongous amount of pay. If you don’t have your diploma, you’ll likely earn less wages. Your ability to toughen up and finish your high school career unlocks these benefits…
What an amazing school system! A child born on or before August 31st at 11:59pm is more socially and emotionally ready for school. Whereas, a child born merely a minute later, still needs more time to develop. Well, that’s what North Carolina State Board of Education (NCSBE) believes. North Carolina State Board of Education should allow kids to start school when they are ready because delaying them can result in them losing interest in learning, make them the older ones in class or heighten the chances of them dropping out.…
I believe that school is not important. My proposal goes out to all the parents and government officials in Tallahassee who designed the school system. Millions of teenagers and kids spend 5 days a week attending school where they have to sit around in class, detesting those Mondays and wasting their time away. Of course there are going to be students who want learn and accelerate in school but there are going to be plenty of them who believe school isn’t necessary. K- 8 are important to me and I feel like those are essential years every person should go through. However, I don’t believe it is right for teenagers to be required to go to school after 8th grade. Many kids don’t need the excess educational curriculum. It is irrelevant as well…