There is a heated discussion about whether China should legalize prostitution or not. There is no more controversial issue than this. It has its own merits and demerits. However, I give my vote to agreement. At the very first, allow me to make a definition about prostitution. Prostitution is the business or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment and exists in a diverse range of the world.
Based on the reality,there are countless poor women, who come from small villages and have not been educated, doing some jobs such as attendants, still are not able to afford their whole family or themselves. The government cannot just ignore the huge number of women. They have to offer the work chance to the women only that these women can keep them living. If China legalized prostitution, these women would get high-pay jobs to relieve their financial burden. As they are adults, they have the ability to choose if they should do. What’s more, becoming a industry is an irresistible trend of legalizing prostitution. It will give rise to, to some extent, increasing the tax taking so that it can promote the prosperity of our society. Then the government will have more power to change our country. Secondly, it is undeniable that there is a variety of illegal prostitution in China. It contributes to sex disease and violence. If prostitution were legalized, the government can govern the industry so that the customers and the workers can be prevented from disease and violence. However, it is impossible that every boss of prostitution wants to be controlled by the government. It will result in two different parts of prostitution——legal side and illegal side. There will be a fierce competition between two parts. Admittedly, the legal side will win because of formalization, for instance, the Red-light District in Holland——Amsterdam. The last but not the least, in other words, prostitution is a