Dr. Rogers
English 1101
Should prostitution be legalized in the United States?
Prostitution has dealt crippling blows to many economies. Prostitution is unmoral and filthy, but it provides a resort to make money in a tough economy. Prostitution increases human trafficking and strips the prostitute of their liberties, self worth and leaves them to be an object for sale. If prostitution was legalized it would reduce the transmission rate of sexually transmitted diseases while reducing the number of rape cases. Should prostitution be legalized in the United States?
Prostitution should not be legalized because it can increase human trafficking. Prostitution is rarely the first choice as an occupation. Legalization of …show more content…
Prostitution is an uncontrolled part of United States that has increased the transmission rate of sexually transmitted diseases. If there were a heavy water leak in a house, the best option would be to turn the water off and address it. Prostitution is that leak of heavy water which should be regulated and monitored so the people drinking out of it aren’t effected by it’s poison or the STDs. STDs spread like wild fires through intercourse and contacts with contaminated bodily fluid. The population grown of humans is 75 million annually. The center of disease control states " The estimated number of STD infections per year is about 20 million.”(www.cdc.gov) The 20 million infected are about 26.6% of the population infected annually. If 20 million people were to have one sexual partner that they pass the STD on to, that would equal to 40 million people infected …show more content…
Prostitution is not an ideal occupation but that doesn’t mean it should be treated like it. Prostitutes are humans and should be treated like such. Legalizing prostitution has more benefits than criminalizing it. The transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and rape can be reduced exponentially by legalization of prostitution. Prostitutes can have a better work environment without the fear of physical violence and other threats. Prostitution should be legalized because it would reduce the rate of sexually transmitted diseases and rape cases while safeguarding prostitutes on and off work.
"Incidence, Prevalence, and Cost of Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United States.." Center for Disease Control. http://www.cdc.gov/std/stats/sti-estimates-fact-sheet-feb-2013.pdf (accessed April 8, 2015).
Ehrenfreund, Max. "When Rhode Island Accidentally Legalized Prostitution, Rape Decreased Sharply." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 17 July 2014. Web. 8 Apr. 2015.
Nussbaum, M. (2012). Whether from reason or prejudice: Taking money for bodily services. In g. colombo, R. Cullen, & B. Lisle, Rereading America (pp. 669-683). New York: Bedford.
Pratik Patel
Dr. Rogers
English 1101
Should prostitution be legalized in the United States?
1. Prostitution should not be legalized because it can increase human