Reality television is a programming genre that presents unscripted or “Humorous” situations, documents actually events and usually features ordinary people instead of real actors. Usually involves love, violence, and money. Examples of these types of shows are, “jersey Shore”, “Toddler's & Tiara's”, “bachelor” and “The Real World”. In my opinion I believe such reality shows that promote anorexia, partying, lust for money, violence, should be banned for Television. The reality shows that don't promote that should stay on television, since they are not a harm to anyone.
I myself do not watch Reality Television, but do enjoy shows like the “Walking Dead”, therefore shows that are scripted. Shows that send an awful message like beauty contests should be banned because it creates an ideal of female beauty that a minority of females can create. It places pressure on women that have to catch up to these beautiful women on television. More the less, these contests encourage models and contestants to look even slimmer than they already are, promoting anorexia and bulimia. Women are more judged by their physical appearance rather than any other qualities they may possess(ugly women simply aren’t going to win). Doesn’t matter how many Asian women win Miss World, they can only do so if they participate in the swimsuit competition, and that primarily is the whole point of beauty contests, which may be considered inappropriate in other cultures. There has been several protests and demonstrations as well as violence because of cultures having to go through the beauty competitions. An example would be of Miss World by feminist and Hindu nationalists when it was held in Bangalore in 1996. Riots rang out, putting more than 200 people dead and led to the competition being held in London.
Reality Shows that promote drugs and violence, and partying all night long, can impact a child or teens life if they watch