Society has systemically studied children born and raised by single parents verses children parented by and living with both parents. Furthermore, single parents are scrutinized from the birthday of children until the child reaches adulthood. The interest is whether a single parent can properly raise a child to be a productive citizen without the influence and guidance of both two parents - mother and father. The concern, rather real or not is if the single mother is receiving the proper medical care, if is she the expectant mother drink alcohol or doing other drugs that would be harmful to the health of the unborn child smokes, and/or does drugs during the pregnancy which is considered harmful to the …show more content…
health and wellbeing of the child. Then After after the birth of the child, the probe continues by using a societal yardstick to compare the child’s birth weight with the social norm of how much a child should weigh, when to determine whether the children should are walking, talking and eating the approved and age appropriate foods at the approved stage. However This the instrument measurement tool does not take into account the cultural and ethnic differences and norms of the individual families. The perpetual ruler gauges whether children of a certaing age stages they should accomplish certain task such as talking and walking when they shouldThese accomplihments should occur in in accordance with to professionalthe p psychologist handbook on child development. Other Studies studies including, Psychologists Betty Hart and Todd R Risley have futher shown “The the way and how often parents talk to kids children has have a significant effect on the childs I.Q child’s I.Q. and as babies “boys talk less and later than girls talk”. as indicated by Child Psychologists Betty Hart and Todd R Risley (Hart &Risley 1993). Most Parents parents imagined successful futures for their children and believed in everything they do goes toward making their children successful. Parent sSending children to what is considered “good” schools, provide proper medical care, nutritionally balanced meals, and there are parents working two jobs and attend school themselvesall to set an positive examples of success for their families. Nonetheless, state, local, and federal government policies as well as local school policies and procedures prevented opportunities for children of color and those with disabilities to get onrecognizing the path to success mostly all because because of single parent family status or label . According to the United States Department of Education, " black students make up 16 percent of public-school students, however, they also represent 27 percent of students who are referred to law enforcement by schools administrators and 31 percent of students who are arrested for an offense committed at school" (Education, 2014).
All parents want the best for their children, but it appears the likelihood of raising a child as a single parent create certain different dynamics that have a major implications on the rearing and behavior of children. The disparate impact levied on single parents makes it sometimes impossible to make it work for their families. The Annie E. Casey Foundation commissioned a study that illustrates growing up in poverty contributes directly to stress at a level that can affect children’s health, brain development, and social and emotional well-being (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2014).
Is it just the the perception that that children living in single parents homes are living in poverty and have significantly different opportunities than others?. According of the Anderson a writer for the Washington Times,state, , “Today, one-third of American children – a total of 15 million – are being raised without a father; also, nearly five million more children live without a mother”. (Andersen, 2013) The home environment is could also be an indicator of the behavior of an adolescents. MoreoverAlso, Eamon M.K. Eamon contributing researcher for the The Journal of Negro Education and the author of of the The Journal on Youth and Adolescents, discussed that certain parenting practices, monitoring and problem-solving strategies also lead to to certain anti-social behaviors Eamon, 2005 pg 394 (Eamon, Fall 2013).
This imploresThis study will examine the issue "Chi the question; Are children living in single parent homes are more prone to significant behavior problems than those living in dual are two parent households or familiescapable of surviving with the fittest?. In societythe general public, the survivalendurance for of children born to a single parents begins at with birth and ends with whether are not they reach adulthood; however, a traditional family success is measured by what college the children will attend. Dual parent family families - mother and father are more apt to raise children socially proficient and a single parent have a tendency to raise children that may exhibit anti-social behaviors that may include the perpetratoragent of school shootings, drug users, juvenal delinquent and even, killing murdering their parents. after being denied a request. ConsequentlyAs a result, very specific labels are placed on children raised by one parent or raised in a single parent homes: low income, living poverty homeless mal-nourished, behavioral problems, and a having disabilities which inturns add different perceptions including, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and anger issues, etc. Subsequently, the issues with children raised by a single parent (growing up in a single parent family) is a reflection of the parenting style and capabilityability of the parent to raisie a child independently. or is this occurrence based on societal influences which causes the sigma placed on both the parent and the childbecause they are not recognized as a traditional family.
Can the prevailing issues be the result of significant behavior issues unchallenged by the parent or are the parents to tough on the child creating delinquencyt behaviorsissues? It can could be all and thenor some because of leaving poverty, schools teaching test and not focusing on how children learn, parents’ not addressing children’s behaviors, money for community programs and the absentee fatherparent. Therefore, every element of the above mentioned facts are could contributors e to the raising of a children/child.
Defining the ProblemIssue
According to the U.S. Census Report, December 2011 there are 13.7 million single parents in the United States today, and they are responsible for raising 22 million children. Furthermore, these numbers represents about 26% of children under 21 in the United .States. today. Additionally, approximately 82.2% of the custodial parents are mothers and about 17.8% are single fathers. Furthermore, the single mothers, 57.2% are raising one child from the absent parent and 44.1% have two or more children living with them.
Therefore, the inaccessibility of the absent parent in the household, especially if the child is a boy will exhibit violent behavior (s) when an authority figure is present. The issue is "Children raised by single parents exhibit violent behavior that may result in delinquency issues. This dysfunctional behavior may further exhibit inappropriate behaviors toward Boys are more prone to violent behaviors in the presence of a a person with authority or perceived authority other than the custodial parent or guardian.
Research questionissue.
Children raised by single parents exhibit violent behavior that may result in delinquency issues.
Boys living in single parents’ households more apt to be suspended from school, or incarcerated in prison or other residential institutions because of anger issues that may reach the level of violence and/or abuse?
1. Boys living with mothers as the single parent home exhibit dysfunctional behaviors
2. Boys subjected to cohabitating single mothers’ exhibit angry behaviors’
3. Boys living below the poverty line are more apt to exhibit anger or violent behaviors
Need for the …show more content…
The goal of this research study is to show examine that the relationship of that children raise with single parents programmed to exhibit violent behavior resulting in delinquency problems. In addition, boys of a color (black and brown) are more apt to be judged based on their behaviors than on their skills and accomplishments. Currently, there are a plethora of research documenting children living in single parent homes subsequently end up in the juvenile system. Further suggestion include the children are suspended, expelled from school, or imprisoned as an adult. Susanna LeMagnot, CBS writer conducted an interview after Tonia Stevens a single parent lost her 16-year-old son when he was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer. She said she wanted her son “to go the straight route”, but he had been in trouble with the law for years, so she does not blame the officer for shooting her child.Tonya Stevens son, Deonta Dwight Mackey died after he held an off-duty Cook County Sheriff’s sergeant at gunpoint while the officer was pumping gas at a Citgo station. During the interview , on the South Side. “To the correctional officer, I don’t have no hate in my heart, for what he did,” Stevens saidmentioned. “Her son was out doing a criminal act '.” "I am not one of those parents. I am not. Everybody knows me. I’m not one of those parents. I promote fairness,” she added. (LeMagnot, S., CBS). Stevens saysshe further mentioned that her son had many mentors in his life, including Carlos Estes. Estes was getting Mackey into an alternative school after the teen was expelled, allowing him to have a lot of time on the streets. But mentors are hardly the answer to these children already in the system. “Had a lot to do with peer pressure and wanting to be a part of and belonging to a group of individuals,” said Estes. “It’s just sad that the peer pressure is winning the streets,” said Stevens. As for the two young men who were with her son and ran from the scene, Stevens says, if they don’t want to follow the same path her son did, they need to turn their lives around, and turn themselves in. The above situation is a popularprevalent concern of single parents almost everywhere.
Delimitation The limitations of this research includes the use of limited primary data., the The availability of a sufficient number of single parents willing to continue participate participating in the researchstudy. Several participants declined a second interview after completing the survey. Another limitation includes the majority of the secondary research dealt mostly with race and ethnicity identification; even though the mention of race is included in this study; however, it is not the primary focus, it is not the primary focus of this research subject., The primary focus includes the influence the single parent may have on the child that may facilitate anti-social behavior which result in delinquency issues.whether than parental influences which hampered the data gathering. Finally, the data collected was a small sampling and because of the sensitivity of the questions, respondents’ honesty is a perceived limitation.
Section II
Review of the Literature
As stated previously there is a plethora of research accomplished by the U.S. Census Bureau identifying those classifications of people living in the United States, specifically Single Parent Statistics. There is also research and studies discussing the single parents’ plight on the accomplishments or lack thereof of their children. In addition, other studies have been accomplished on “High Blood Pressure in Black Men Linked to Single Parent Childhood Households” and boys having less of a vocabulary than girl because of lack of interaction. The institutional studies of black and brown children living with a single parent has been a research topic since the beginning of time; time that has encompassed from slavery, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 thru the Civil rights Act of 1964, and the juvenal justice and prison systems that incarcerates boys as adults. The school systems policies on suspending or expelling black and brown boys from school due to behavior that appears that appear more culturally based than mischievous intent which highlights is because of the cultural differences between teachers and students. Significant institutional studies have also revealed the school -– to - prison pipeline is active and well in the forefront of state and local legislature 's agenda. According to “The Rise of America’s Prison Empire” by Robert Perkinson, “one out of every 31 lives are under the control of the U.S. criminal justice system and 60% of them are from single parent homes and traditionally underrepresented groups, such as Blacks and Latinos”. Furthermore, The Journal of Negro Education states, “Assessing the Differential Impact of Contextual Factors on School Suspension for Black and White Students”, Discussing the comprehensive list of factors simultaneously. The U.S. Board of Education survey explores children behavior resulting in overwhelming suspension rates
Section III
Performing the Research
This section represents a review of the methodology used in gathering data regarding boys living in single parents’ households are more apt to be incarcerated in state or local institutions because of anger issues that may result in violence and/or abuse. The method of secondary research includes a broad literature review, and primary research conducted by using a twelve-question survey.
Primary research Primary data collection for this research uses a twelve-question survey created and administered directly to the respondents. The survey will address the participants’ view of how she (survey focus on mothers as parents) addresses behavior displayed by her child or children, boys specifically.
The review of research and the research collected was to support the factors that influence the process that have implications through policies and procedures designed for single parents with child/children (boys) at risk.
Secondary Research Secondary research consisted of review of journals, special reports, policy reports, and articles pertaining to the research problem. Multiple sources were used to collect secondary research including web search, scholarly journals, and published book chapters. The focus of the research is to gather existing information pertaining to how adolescent boys living in single parent homes display behavior that may be seen as violent or abusive.
It also revealed where a child grows up greatly influences his life perspective. Nearly every source recognizes the major indicators of economic, social, and physical well-being shows black and brown boys in the United States disproportionally lack access to the structural assets and opportunities needed to thrive. A research further illustrates countless ways in which boys of color are consistently and systemically marginalized by public agencies such as child welfare, juvenile justice, education, and health care. As discussed, the review of the literature and research evaluated and used to support the objective of the behavior of adolescent boys living in single parent homes is seen as violent and prone to incarceration than boys living in dual parent homes.
A selected number of twenty people were provided the qualitative questionnaire to complete and consent to a personal interview. The survey instrument addressed the views of parenting skills, how participants addressed inappropriate behavior at home and in public. The participates are single parents, cohabitating parent, even though they are in a relationship; the partner does not discipline the children, therefore consider themselves a single parent also those becoming single parents at the birth of their child. Twenty questionnaires were distributed expecting 100% return rate; however, five participants declined the interview and returned the questionnaire due to personal reasons.
The respondent’s child/children ages ranged from 10-16.
Two respondants were cohabitating parents one with a male and the other with a female partner.
The qualitative instrument is used in order to evaluate personal behaviors of the interviewee as well as to avoid yes or no answers without having the opportunity to ask clarifying questions. Moreover, the qualitative instrument allows for personal interviews and for the respondents to liberate answer questions that may allow further conversations that may be pertinent to the research and maintain confidentially if requested by the respondents.
Data collection
The questionnaire was provided to the volunteers prior to the scheduled interview which allowed the interviewees to opt out if they felt uncomfortable answering the questions. Those consenting to the interview were scheduled at the most convenient time for them and the researcher. The interviews lasted 15-20 minutes per interviewee and two interviews were conducted telephonically. The results of the interviews are displayed in graph format for visual representation and narrative account using the exact words of the interviewee.
Analysis The results of the questionnaire were collected and each response was recorded either on a graph or on verbatim comments as stated by the interviewee. In addition, the first four questions were group together based on the relevancy of the questions and the responses.
Analysis of Results
In this section, the primary data focused on a questionnaire asking the respondants number of children living in the house; the children’s ages as well as describe their parenting style. Participants were also requested to identify their parental status, i.e. single, traditional, or non-traditional. The results were reflected as visual graph that provides a pictorial viewpoint. So displayed is the parental classification, parental styles and their boys ages. The seven interview questions provided the opportunity to clarify responses provided interviewees.
Findings The assessment included the classification of the parent, how they see themselves; either as a single parent, dual parents, or a single parent with a significant other (cohabitate). (Figure 1)
Figure 1: Displays responses based on how the parents see themselves as parents i.e. both parents living in the home, single parents and single parent with a partner.
Figure 1: Displays responses based on how the parents see themselves as parents i.e. both parents living in the home, single parents and single parent with a partner.
Six of the respondants were in a relationship with a live-in partner.
The partner has no responsibilities for child rearing i.e. disciplinary responsibilities, for the child at all. It was apparent as we discussed this issue caused tension and some dissension between the couples. All parents with boys responded that disciplinary issues were solely their responsibility. The single parents considered disciplining their children was their responsibility. However, the responsibility to correct children was the duty of both parents in a dual household the discipline according to the respondants.
As indicated by the questionnaire, we interviewed five single parents, three women made up dual parent families. The final category included single parents with live-in male companions. These relationships appeared very protective of the child/children as to who has the responsibility of the child/children. Moreover, single parents appear very protective of their child and just as proud and carry the same expectations for success as do dual families.
We further identified the ages and sex of the children which included ages ranging from six years (2), ten years (1) and twelve years old (4) (Figure
Figure 2 Indentifies the ades of the children as identyied by the parents participating in the study
Figure 2: The ages are important for the researcher study to determine at what age the boys start begin to exhibit behavior concernsproblems. The researcher also wanted to determine at what specific age the model begin to show changes in behavior. Those results are not displayed however, after further discussion with the parents the changes showappeared it between ages 11 and 12. When discussing parental styles, single parents, cohabitating consider themselves strict parents as well as a good parent. They held their boys to certain standards of responsibilities, respectfulness for authority figures and held them high standard of accountability. However, those identified as a single parent without a living partner considered themselves an easygoing parent, wanting the child to like them. Majority of the parents appear to want to be their best friend and protector (Figure 3). According to those interviewed parenting styles are reflective of whatever the situation is presented. As identified by the interviewees they may take on all four styles; when the school calls with a concern and the parent is not available because of their circumstances they take on the “Strict” parent demeanor (54%). In order to address behaviors parents restrict activities, punish (no computer) for misbehaving and some parent use corporal punishment as a method. The “involved” parents (13%) stated they participates in all activities and want to know who friends are and where the child is when not at home. This parent is also included in on discussions of school issues, sports, and any issues or concerns affecting their child whether in school or out. On the other, hand the ‘easy going” parent is considered a quasi-friend.
Figure 3. The interviews revealed that single parents cross the spectrum of parenting disciplining.
According to the parents, consider themselves as easy going (13%) said they take that persona only the stay connected with their children. “It is not that I do not punish my kid, I just want him to talk to me about anything that is bothering him”. When classified as a “good” parent (20%) the discussion was around all three classifications the friend, strictness and involved parent. All parents stated they discipline their children and stand-up for them as well. They are against chastising their children in public unless it is really outrages behavior. When asked what is consider outrages they said cursing and talking back.
As the respondants became more comfortable during the sessions, they revealed privileged information about behavior concerns. Stating boys fight, argue and wrestling around all the time (Figure 4). One single parent stated her son definitely had behavior issues as indicated by his interaction with those in authority. However, most interviewees stated they do not see significant behavior issues other than little petty stuff that kids do when they do not agree with punishment. However, it was mentioned if they do exhibit behaviors that may be determined as inappropriate they will not blame the child because it is probably something they have witness between adults in the household.
Figure 4 Quarried if the child or children exhibit argumentive behavior during early childhood
Figure 4: Listed is the questioned dealing with possible behavior concerns, if any.
Question # 5 Asked, Does their child/children engage in disagreement/arguments with each other or others? Responses included the following:
a) The boys with each other all the time
b) Just as boys do; just like my boy friend
c) Sometimes with classmates and friends
d) especially with authority
e) Average boys
f) Yes, it seems they argue all the time
g) Disagree with each other all the time; especially if one thinks he got more than the other did
h) Yes, they are always fighting and wrestling around with each other
i) The oldest is always hitting or punching the other
During the discussion about behavior concerns, we further discussed how the individual (child) displayed anger. (Figure 5) A consensus revealed most of the boys show anger through behaviors such as, abruptly leaving home when angry; internalize angry feelings, hit walls, yell and exhibit very aggressive behavior like cussing, saying “I wish we could move”.
Figure 5: The below responses reveal how children show their anger whether they scream, hit, or other aggressive behaviors.
Question #6 Ask how their child shows anger, responses included
a) My oldest hits and puts holes in walls and doors the youngest runs to his room when he’s angry
b) Continue to talk loudly over everyone
c) Very aggressive
d) Internalize his anger
e) Live home
f) Hit walls or play basketball
Parents stated, sometimes the boys display anger in public places by “pouting”, “walking away when talking to them”, “yelling in front of other people”, and throwing down bags and walking away. (Figure 6) When asked if the child was punished when they showed what was considered inappropriate behavior. One parent stated her son was much “too big to punish”.
Interview questions #7 & 8 (Figure 6) resulted in the same response as question # 7.
Figure 6 & 7: Does the child act out outside the home?
Figure 6 & 7: Does the child act out outside the home?
Question # 7 Ask if anger has been displayed in public; responses included yes, with the following behaviors.
a. When criticized about his behavior he would stand there and stare at me
b. Throw bags down and leave
c. Yell in front of people
d. Stare at me and will not move
e. Pouts
Question # 9 Have you had to disciplined or talk to your child because of how they show anger in or outside the home
Most responses to this question indicated they have never punished their son for how he displayed his anger. One parent stated her son is too big to punish; he is sixteen.
However, Question #10 asked if the untimely display of anger has ever resulted in school suspension or expelled. Most of those interviewed stated their son was suspended for arguing with a teacher, leaving the classroom when the instructor asked them to sit down, and leaving the school premises in a defiant posture. Another parent stated her son wanted to fight her boyfriend when he told him not to talk back to his mother. Another parent stated her son hit the teacher because he disrespected (dis) him. The parent’s sharing this information did not feel the need to challenge authority themselves because it would cause additional conflict and shine a light on the family. During the interview for question #11, how does your child interact with an authority figure? Most parents stated their children are very polite and mannerable; they have been taught to respect authority in school, church, other family members and their parent. The disconnect occurs when a child is angry with a parent about issues that take place in the household; for example, another adult living in the household giving guidance when the parent is away. The perception of the child is “not having as much authority over the house after some other adult moves in”.
Question #12 asked the participants “does your son have/had a mentor or role model? Most of the mothers stated no and they would not trust others with their children. Additional respondants stated, “You can hardly trust anybody with my son unless I am present with him”. The interviews were very revealing and insightful because the perception of being single parent can be misconstrued when it comes to raising a family. The study focused on the outlining issues of parenthood but the reveal is the culture of a “non-traditional family. As previously, indicate, family structure represents an important risk factor for anti-social behavior (Kierkus, 2009). Accordingly, the majority of research suggests that adolescents from single parent homes are more likely to engage in anti-social behavior because of weakened family function and structure (Adlaf, 1997). Moreover, the home environment is an important indicator of the behavior of juveniles. Research has also shown that certain parenting practice, monitoring, and problem –solving strategies are linked to certain anti-social behaviors (Eamon M. K., 2005). In terms of race, research is varies on the impact family structure has on behavior. Some research findings have determined that Black youth appear more resistant to the negative effects of being raised in a nontraditional family structure than White adolescents (Dunifon, 2006).
Support of Hypothesis
The hypothesis state “Are boys living in single parents’ households more apt to be suspended from school or incarcerated in prison or other residential institutions because of anger issues that may reach the level of violence and/or abuse”? The hypothesis was not fully support; however, we did prove that family structure does have a significant impact on children living in a single parent home have different issues to deal with that will contribute to anti-social behavior in boys ages 11-12.
SSection V
Summary and Conclusion
The result of this research has implications in both state and local policies as schools programs and procedures. Single parents have responsibilities for raising their children in a loving and safe home regardless of parental status; the home environment is an important indicator of children’s behavior. Stress, low paying jobs, latch key children, missing parent, and inadequate housing can all have a major impact on children reared by a single parent and contribute to anti-social behaviors. Research has shown that certain parenting practices, monitoring, and problem solving strategies are linked to behaviors issues. Additionally, previous studies show that despite peer influences and other factors, when parenting skills are ineffective the likelihood of anti-social behavior is maximized.
However, single parents have added responsibilities than those living in a “traditional” family. Most of those responsibilities are triggered by not only the educational system policies and practices addressing the behaviors of their children by using suspensions or expulsions but policy implementation by the federal, state, and local government. The stress of living in poverty places undue hardship on the mental well-being of a single parent family as well as an absent father.
This study stresses the undue hardship is placed on the family because if the child in exhibiting anti-social behavior it is the result of family dynamics not the status of the parent. Consequently, a strong support network including the community acts to mitigate the negative effects of a father or mother‘s absence.
The evidence of this research reveals that children of single parents, boys specifically, ages 11-12 appear to be more affected by living in a single parent home than living in traditional two adult (married) family homes. It was also revealed that boys the same age have trouble with authority whether in school or other adults living in the household, other than the mother because of cultural norms within the family. Those cultural norms may include giving the son authority over family members including the single parent by announcing he is the head of the house.
In addition, boys exhibit anger more at this age demonstrated by yelling, kicking, acting out in public places and punching holes in walls. Research further validated the anger leveled against authority figures at this age may be linked to the missing male figure in the household. At this age, boys are gaining a sense of self as well as back and forth between high expectations and lack of self-confidences. They are more moody and may be going through puberty at this age. Boys have become more competitive and independent at this age as well. This may explain the behaviors addressed during the research.
The perception of the results of this research is that single parents (mothers) appear more tolerant of the behaviors of their children that may appear inappropriate to others are their children lashing out because of their condition in life. The parents participating in the research are very protective of their children and try defensively will not expose information that may show their child in a negative manner
Adlaf, E. &. (1997). Structure and relation: The influence of family factors on adolescent substance use and delinquency. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse., 5, 1-19.
Andersen, K. (2013, January 4). The number of US children living in single-parent homes has nearly doubled in 50 years: Census data. Retrieved from
Dunifon, R. &.-J. (2006). Who 's in the house? Race differences in cohahitation, single parenthood, and child development. Child development, 73.
Eamon. (Fall 2013). Assessing the Differential Impact of Contextual Factors on School Suspension for Black and White Students. The Journal of Negro Education, 393.
Eamon, M. K. (2005). Social demographic, school, neighborhood, and parenting influence on academic achievement. Journal of Youth and adolescence, 34, 163-175.
Education, U. S. (2014). Report ReinforcesConcerns about Racial Equalit in Public Schools. Civil Rights Data Collection.
Hart, B. &. (1993). Thirty million words project. Chicago.
Kierkus, C. (2009). The conceptual nature of family structure/delinquency relationship. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 123-132.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2014). Race for Results. Baltimore .
Appendix A
Thank you for you participation in the below survey. There are ten questions, which should take you about 15 minutes to complete. Following the review of the questionnaire, a personal interview will be scheduled referring to the responses to the questions as well as to conduct a personal interview for clarification of your responses.
This survey is for research to determine whether adolescent boys living in a single parent home are more apt to exhibit aggressive behavior than those living in are a two-parent household are. Your responses is anonymous (your name will not be used) and will be used for a graduate study research paper. Please contact 321 720-4510 for a personal interview.
Please complete each statement below as it pertains to you.
1. Do you consider yourself a single parent or co-parent? Co-parent indicates another adult has supervisor responsibility as well.
2. How would you describe your parenting style?
3. Are your children boys or girls or both boys and girls?
4. What are their ages? Circle one
5. Has your child or children engaged in a disagreement/argument with each other or others? If so, how often does this type of behavior occur?
6. If you are a parent of both boys and girls, is there a difference in the way the way he or she deals with anger? Explain
7. Has your child ever gotten angry with you or anyone else in a public place? If so, how did he/she display anger?
8. How do you know when you child is angry? Example: cry scream etc.
9. Has your child ever been disciplined because of an angry outburst?
10. Has he/she ever been suspended from school or any other organized program because of an argument that led to a fight or anger?
11. How does your child interact with those in authority? Explain
12. Does your son have/had a mentor or role model? If not, in what way do you think he would benefit in having a mentor or role model?