Why stem cells are important for our health?
When we are sick or exposed to the injury of our cells are also damaged or …show more content…
What is the capacity of multi-induced stem cells?
These cells possess all the characteristics of embryonic stem cells, but is composed of embryos. These cells, contain non-stem cells taken from human and are converted in the laboratory to the stem cells and then returned to the same person without immune rejection of a device which is one of the main obstacles in stem cell transplantation.
What is the future of stem cells and how stem cells can change the method of treatment?
Since stem cells have the ability to switch the old and diseased cells, the scientists unsure of the ability to use stem cells to treat a variety of ailments. The idea is based on the cultivation of stem cells or adult Marb.ali for example stem cells if the patient is suffering from a heart attack, the stem cell cultivation leads him to fix the bug in his heart Number of Campuses within our bodies have a specific stem cell's ability to fix bugs in our bodies. For example, for the number of stem cells in the heart not sufficient to repair the defect that causes heart attack. So when the stem cells of the patient, that increases the body's ability to fix bugs in spite of the lack of the normal number of stem