of depression and destroyed relationships with friends, family, law enforcement or school officials" ("Depression"). Because these students do these actions over and over again, the actions start to become habits and control their lives more than the depression itself does. One example of this is when a student drinks alcohol to stop their pain. "Research shows that depressed kids are more likely to have problems with alcohol a few years down the road. Also, teens who've had a bout of major depression are twice as likely to start drinking as those who haven’t" ("Alcohol"). Because of depression and what alcohol does to your body, it is very likely that students will start or continue drinking to help take away the pain. Similarly to alcohol, drugs and tobacco are used for the same release from pain in a person's life. Alcohol and drugs by themselves can lead to family issues, friend issues, bad grades, and many other unfortunate scenarios in a student's life. Adding alcohol and drugs to depression even makes it worse because "depression [alone] can affect your relationships with family and friends, and how you perform at school... Maybe because you’re feeling hopeless, peers think you are too negative and start giving you a hard time" (National). These are all things that could happen to a person because they are depressed. Depression can change a person, the way they accomplish tasks, and the way they interact with people around them. When you add drugs and alcohol to the situation, it tends to cause even more problems than the ones that occur from the depression. Depression in teens is a very serious mental illness.
According to a recent survey, depression in adolescents in increasing rapidly and alarming many people as recent surveys show that one in five teens are suffering from clinical depression ("Depression"). For this reason, all teachers should be trained to diagnose depression in teens before it becomes out of control and leads them to make choices such as drink alcohol, doing drugs and tobacco, and having sex to overcome the issues they are facing. If this occurs, we can prevent students from running their relationships with family, friends, and also from ruining their