Physical fitness is an integral part of the army lifestyle and ability of a soldiers to efficiently perform all tasks necessary to be the best soldier they can be. There have been many forms of physical fitness training in the army over the years while the Army is continuously changing and trying to ensure that the programs set for its personnel is the absolute best that they can provide. However, the one aspect that has stayed the same is the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The APFT is not only antiquated and outdated but also a very poor representation of an individual’s physical fitness and ability to do the essential tasks of an Army Soldier. The APFT is the long standing standard in what a fit soldier should look like …show more content…
and in this era of the Army it no longer produces the correct results when evaluating a soldier in any aspect that is a core part of soldiering. The APFT consists of three timed events, push-ups, sit-ups and a two-mile run. While it is a fair assessment of what a person can do while in garrison and under near perfect conditions, it does not tell us what a soldier can do in theater or on the battlefield. Yes, a soldier can run two-miles in twelve minutes in comfortable clothes on a paved road but, can that same soldiers drag a 250 plus pound battle buddy out of harm’s way just because they run fast? The answer is probably no, but the current iteration of the APFT will tell you that he or she can perform that task without actually testing to see if it is true. I propose conducting research to create a better version of the APFT that will not only accurately gauge our soldiers on their ability to perform when they are overseas but also create a better way to judge their physical fitness when not deployed. Aside from the Army caring about their soldiers and fighting force, there has been a general consensus among soldiers that the APFT is inefficient and should be overhauled. The research proposed would may not directly affect the general population of the country. However, indirectly the fitness and physical wellbeing of the Army’s soldiers affects the entire nation. A fit and healthy force is a force that can effectively protect the country. Without furthering this research and finding a way to create a new program to positively impact the Army there is a high probability that we will not have the same proud fighting force that we have had for the entirety of our history.
There have been many studies on this subject over the years as well as many different formats for the APFT.
These studies do not conflict with each other, it is common knowledge and widely agreed upon that the APFT needs to change. The question that no study has effectively answered is how to change it. Looking back over the history of the APFT the early models of a physical fitness test were more concerned with evaluating soldiers on tests that were related to actual tasks they may be doing in battle. In 1906 Army-wide physical training was established and “General Order 44 required weekly infantry 12-mile rucks, and 18-mile movements for horse-mounted artillery and cavalry.” (2015) As you can see this was much more apt to show how a soldier would perform in combat of that time than the current format of the test measures our soldiers today. Over the years the Army strayed away from a true measurement of combat readiness. Though in the early 2000’s Army leaders on a unit level did try to take steps in changing the way that soldiers look at physical fitness. Around this time the U.S. Army Physical Fitness School (USAPFS) rolled out the Physical Readiness Training (PRT) program. It was an attempt to focus on training for combat rather than the APFT. It was swiftly neglected and around 2002 the Army shelved it for another look at it in the future. The only headway made in this area over the last 16 years is the publication of the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Physical …show more content…
Training Guide. This guide identified and explained variations of more battle focused training yet still offered to efficient way to test the abilities of the soldier in them. The current format of the APFT was introduced in 1980, that means that today, soldiers are being evaluated by a test that was created 36 years ago with no updates as of yet. Since times and situations, including combat has changed this test needs to also. The battlefield today is different than any other we have encountered before. It is not just Infantrymen who need to be ready and able to perform in combat but anyone from the Human Resources Specialist to Cook. In 2011 the Army attempted to introduce a new APFT that was more combat based and supposedly a better evaluation of the soldier’s ability to perform under the rigors of combat. “A five-event Army Physical Readiness Test, or APRT, was developed and proposed to replace the current three-event APFT. The proposed test eliminated sit-ups and included the following: 60-yard shuttle run, one-minute rower, standing long jump, one-minute pushup and 1.5-mile run.” (Slater 2012) However, every attempt to roll out this new APFT failed due to safety concerns and questions about the validity of the activities proposed. What this meant was “that although it appears to measure what it claims to measure, further study would be required to confirm. Additionally, experts agreed that TRADOC should consider other events that may better predict baseline Soldier physical readiness.” (Slater 2012) The above trials and studies have all proven overall inefficient attempts to push the Army’s force forward in their physical fitness.
The questions that are integral to my research and also prove the ineffectiveness so past trials can be broken down and answered with the proof of just a few assumptions. First, we have to assume that the current format of the APFT is ineffective and need to be reevaluated. Second, the key to all of this is finding the proper succession of testable exercises to best evaluate the physical fitness of a soldier. Third, that the aforementioned tasks are universal for all soldiers. Fourth, the opinion of the soldiers in combat is true and honest. If these assumptions can be proven, then we can find the answer of how to best test a soldier’s ability to perform their duties in the field. The past and current trials and studies have not been identified any concrete answers needed to create an overall effective test. My purpose in this is to find a way to create a test that will not only be beneficial to soldiers in training for their evaluations but also translate into combat where it counts. An issue with these new proposals is that the conditions are still perfect before, during and after an evaluation. They do not account for the minimal sleep that a soldier is more than likely suffering from. The current trials do not account for the amount of gear that must be worn or the fatigue that a soldier will face on patrol in 135-degree heat. My motivation for this research comes from personal experience and knowing that the current training and testing methods provided by the Army cannot accurately and efficiently prepare me for when things go wrong in the worst possible place. It is imperative that the Army understand that the current APFT cannot give a true measurement of what is required for combat. The end state of this study is to not only educate soldiers and the bigger military but also identify physical activity that can be accurately evaluated and useful in the testing of combat readiness. The other side of my goal is to attract the attention of someone who can afflict change on the Army and help introduce a new and improved evaluation technique to the wider Army population.
In terms of theory, my hypothesis is that the APFT is ineffective in gauging the actual physical readiness of an Army soldier and that a better prepared/correctly evaluated soldiers will perform better in a combat situation. My methodology is simple; it will consist of four separate stages that build on each other as I further my research. I will first analyze the APFT in its current state and the body movements of the actions that pertain to it. Second I will use the TRADOC PT Manual to research and identify combat related physical tasks and categorize them based on the body movements involved in completing all tasks. Third, I will conduct a survey of OIF/OEF campaign soldiers for their experience and knowledge on tasks actually performed regularly in a combat situation. The experiences of these personnel are the cornerstone of the research and therefore the study heavily depends on their candor. After the first three stages are complete I will compile the data from stages two and three then compare the information between those stages and to the information and body movement composition of the current APFT. The goal of these is to culminate in recommendations to create a more effective APFT that relates to real life situations and accurately evaluates the physical fitness of soldiers Army wide. I am confident that the end state results of this study will not only prove my hypothesis that the Army needs a new way of evaluating and training their soldiers for combat than the one it currently and has been using since 1980. I am also certain the outcome of this research will meet my goal of beginning to create a better way of preparing our soldiers for performing their duties on the battlefield.
Chapter 2 Participants /Methodology
There is no way to complete any research project without at least a minimal amount of participant support. Initially, I intended to extend the research to actual physical evaluation of the current APFT and its effectiveness as well as testing the eventual recommendations. However, after reviewing my plan of action and the concentration of the study I feel that putting the actual exercises into practice is best left to a second study. The point of this study is specifically to evaluate if the current APFT is effective and meets the needs to the fighting force as well as engage in discussion of recommendations for new testing and evaluating components. I will be using participants in a different manner to conduct the research on this subject. The participants will be sent an electronic survey through the military global email system, which will be described in more detail further in the discussion. The participants will be selected randomly through records research to define who fits the criteria. The criteria is very simple. The participant must be a currently or formerly serving member of the military and been deployed with the Army. That seems very broad but, the APFT is army wide and the study will need as broadly collected data as possible. Race, gender and age will have no bearing on the selection of participants. Once surveys are returned, the data will be collected and complied by theater served in.
When moving into the actual analysis of the study, as mentioned above the research will not use live participants other that the electronic survey portion of research. In order to analyze the different exercises and their movements the study will be using a software called Exercise Explorer to compare the different movements with each other. The software can use a list of the original body movements and compare them to the movements on the other lists. The original lists will be complied by validating the body movements through the use of medical and academic publications. After the lists of the body movements are completed, the movements will then be broken down further into the isometric, concentric and eccentric categories.
Chapter one described the arguments for beginning a transformation of the current APFT to a more combat focused physical training model which could better prepare and evaluate soldiers to perform their duties on the battlefield. The research shown throughout the introduction section also supports the idea that the Army need to conduct more battle focused training rather than keeping with the traditional methods of measuring physical fitness as they do now. As stated before the methodology is very simple, I will conduct the research in four stages that build on each other. I will start with analyzing the APFT in its current form. The second state will consist of using the TRADOC PT Manual to research and identify combat related physical tasks and categorize them based on the body movements involved in completing all tasks. Third, I will conduct a survey of OIF/OEF campaign soldiers for their experience and knowledge on tasks actually performed regularly in a combat situation. After the first three stages are complete, I will compile the data from stages two and three then compare the information between those stages and to the information and body movement composition of the current APFT. The culmination of the research will provide recommendations to develop a new APFT.
The current APFT consists of the push-up, sit-up and a two-mile run, the first stage will analyze these exercises through a study of their body actions and the muscles associated with each action as well as how the previously stated entities are used in actual performance of the exercises overall.
The concentration of the analysis of the current APFT will be breaking down each exercise by their body action and then deciding if the exercise is primarily associated with strength and endurance and if the exercises use concentric, eccentric or isometric muscle contractions. The Current APFT will be categorized and its characteristics identified on the following