
Should The Constitution Address Slavery?

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Should The Constitution Address Slavery?
Have you ever noticed how the United States Constitution discretely mentions slavery? If we examine the Constitution, which was created in 1787, we could see that they don’t ever mention the words “slave” or “slavery”. It is noticeable that the creators of the Constitution were unsure of how to address slavery in the document and instead described them as “other peoples”. The creators of the Constitution seemed like they themselves didn’t know whether they should limit or ban slavery. The Constitution seems to address slavery in three different sections: the three-fifths compromise, the slave trade clause, and the fugitive-slave law. If we examine these three sections of the Constitution that address slavery, we should be able to identify whether the Constitution was proslavery or antislavery.
The first evidence of slavery in the Constitution appears in Article I, Section 2 which is the three-fifths compromise that explains the apportionment of representation and taxation. The three-fifths compromise reads: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be
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