memories, simply because its old? Or should we keep on passing it
from generation to generation to keep a tradition? In schools is a great
example of that. A common debate is whether or not Romeo and Juliet
should be taught in schools. We should hold onto this tradition
because of the way it makes students think, and because of the
knowledge it provides to the students.
For one, although the language in Romeo and Juliet is not how
we speak today, it still contains great lessons for students. While
reading Romeo and Juliet, your mind is constantly thinking and
deciphering what message Shakespeare is giving you. To make
students read Romeo and Juliet early in their high school years will
benefit them. The unique style of writing will make the students’ brains
work much harder to understand the message. If they were given a
book with language they see every day would not benefit their learning
as much. By reading Romeo and Juliet students will receive more
Another reason that reading Romeo and Juliet in schools is a
great idea is because it is a two in one lesson. As teachers they have
so much curriculum to teach the students and sometimes its hard to fit
it all in. Rather than teaching the students what similes and metaphors
are, students can read Romeo and Juliet and have perfect examples
right in front of them while not wasting any time. While reading Romeo
and Juliet you may notice that Romeo is a romantic and he loves
using metaphors and similes to compare Juliet to celestial objects. You
may ask so what? Well Romeo is one of the main characters which
means he speaks a lot, therefore there are many more examples for
students to learn those parts of speech. Reading Romeo and Juliet in
school makes teaching easier and makes learning a two in one combo.
Last but not least as you move on to different levels of school
and in life, Romeo and Juliet will be referenced to. Not having read
Romeo and Juliet, students would have no idea what is being
discussed so being asked a question referring to Romeo and Juliet
might be tough to answer. Rather than not knowing the answer and
being dumbstruck in front of the whole class, it would be in a student’s
best interest to take a little time out of their life and read Romeo and
Juliet. Not to mention the benefit that after you read the book you can
watch the movie for more excitement.
The knowledge provided to the students, the fact that Romeo
and Juliet will be referenced to later in life and the fact that it is a two
in one lesson are just some of the many reasons that reading Romeo
and Juliet in school should be kept a tradition. There is far too much
knowledge to be perceived because of the unique style of writing and
the rich vocabulary. After being studied for over a hundred years,
there must be something great enough to keep the tradition.