There are four components of the sick role. First, the sick person is temporarily excused from normal social roles. Depending on the nature and severity of the illness, a physician can legitimize the sick role status and permit the patient to exclude normal social responsibilities. Second, the physician’s authorization is required …show more content…
There are many social determinates of heath. A family's social support is one of the main ways that family positively impacts health. Your family member is most likely the first one to tell you to see the doctor for checkups and screenings. However ones family can have a negative impact as well. It is more likely for a child growing up in family that smokes and drinks to eventually smoke and drink themselves. Family has the greatest impact on your health choices and influence your diet, eating and exercising …show more content…
Those with very low incomes, for example, often lack resources and access to nutritious food, adequate housing, safe walking paths and working conditions, which can impact negatively on their health. Also they may face financial and life stress, which over time can have health consequences. On the other hand, those who have adequate income and employment are likely to experience health outcomes because they are less dependent on material needs. They have access to the resources that they need to live a long and health life.
Laws and policies that limit access to heath care for lower income citizens affect health. Those who cannot afford health insurance often cannot afford to visit the doctor. This lead to greater health concerns. People will wait till health problems have deteriorated to go to the emergency room. Many instances severs ill ness or death could have been prevented if the patient had access to heath care and early interventions.
Those with more education tend to experience better heath compared to those with less education. They are aware of the symptoms and express their concerns with the doctor. Those with less education tend to wait until the situations has gotten worst or when they are in pain. If you are less educated about your heath and the symptoms, you are less likely to visit the