Sign and symptoms of abuse
Physical abuse
Physical abuse is where a person is physically hurt or injured purposely by another person with the intention to cause them harm. Physical abuse includes hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, head butting, drowning, burning etc and often occurs in places that are easy to hide under clothing. Physical child abuse is any form of physical injuries inflicted upon the child with cruel and/or malicious intent. Physical abuse can result in bruises, burns, poisoning, broken bones, and internal haemorrhages. Some of my definition was used from the information I gained using this website, I also found some statistics from 2006 that there were 1,530 child fatalities that resulted from child abuse (a rate of just over 2 deaths per 100,000 children). Of these, about three-quarters of the children were less than four years old, with the largest number of deaths occurring in infants under the age of one year old.
Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms of physical abuse include visual injuries such as bite marks, bruising, burns and scalds. Shaken Baby Syndrome is a common form of abuse where the baby is violently shaken usually to prevent the baby to stop crying, this can cause brain damage and other severe injuries such as bruising, retinal damage in one or both eyes that may result in blindness, and rib breakage etc. It is much easier to identify physical abuse where bruising is concerned, this is because the bruises will be found in unusual places such as the private areas, the chest, the top of legs and the inside of the inner thigh, this is because these areas are areas that are fully clothed which makes it much more difficult for anyone to see this unless they come into bodily contact with the child for example professionals such as a P.E teacher or a doctor are