silent films vs modern day films
In my opinion I prefer modern day films to silent films. I agree with you that silent films are very boring and dull compared to modern day films. Modern day films have more advanced technology making the film better in general. But it is good to understand and learn about silent films even though you don’t enjoy them, they are an important part of history. Modern films have a lot of characters and have a bigger better storyline to follow. There are plenty of other things that make modern day films better like music, cuts are faster, more actors and more (Wikipedia). Silent films have no synchronized recorded sound and the sound is transmitted through gestures, mime, and title cards, unlike modern day films(Wikipedia). I would not enjoy watching a silent film. The reason for this is certain parts of the film would not make sense because you cannot physically hear what is happening and you have to use your imagination. In modern day films there are a variety of different actors and actresses, which I like because it gives the movie a better flow. In silent films there were fewer actors and actresses and also they had to exaggerate everything with actions(blackdiamondcomedies). Additionally in modern day films the cuts are faster, there is more music, and lots of different angles which makes the film a better overall production(Wikipedia).Having music and other sounds is a way to interoperate the films emotion. I enjoy having music and sounds in a movie because it makes you feel as if you are in that particular moment with the characters. Silent films have a very straightforward storyline and plot because it is easy to get confused(blackdiamondcomedies).Unlike modern day films which through sound can develop mysteries, thrillers and twists through actors and actresses words. I enjoy having a variety of films instead of just a comedy and using words can do this.
I am not saying that silent films were a waste of time to make because they weren’t. Silent films produced mass amounts of money and jobs and eventually developed into our modern day films. In my point of view I would rather be watching modern day films because that is what I’m used to watching. Back when silent films were popular people probably enjoyed them just as much as I enjoy modern day films. But I find them very boring and hard to follow. That is why I prefer modern day films to silent films.
Works cited
Ashley Mayberry “Silent films vs. today’s films”. October 19th 2012. Web.
“Silent film”. . September 12th 2013. Web.