I believe that Friar Lawrence is responsible for Romeo and Juliet's death because he did not think through his decisions. The ideas that Friar lawrence gave to Romeo and Juliet caused them to make poor decisions because they are still young and don't know right from wrong. In the No Fear Shakespeare story Friar Lawrence informs Juliet about an plan. The plan would make sure Juliet …show more content…
As Juliet was leaving Friar Lawrence claimed “I’ll send a friar with speed To Mantua with my letters to thy lord” (IV. i. 27-28). Juliet insisted that she would believe in him and trust him to accomplish the plan. Unfortunately Friar Lawrence was not able to send the message to Romeo. Romeo was devastated when he heard the news about Juliet. He insisted of going to her tomb, “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight. Let’s see for means. O mischief, thou art swift To enter in the thoughts of desperate men!” (V. i. 36-38). This shows that Romeo was not aware of the news because of the mistake Friar Lawrence made. Friar did not inform Romeo about the death of his lover, causing Balthazar to get the wrong message to …show more content…
Friar was the one the two families turned to in times of need. Now that he is helping Romeo and Juliet “kill” themselves and run away, he is turning his back on them. Friar Lawrence only cares about himself when he hears the news of their love. He wasn't the families to be together and finally get along. Friar claimed that “In one respect I’ll thy assistant be, For this alliance may so happy prove To Turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (II. iii. 90-92). This shows that Friar did not care what the circumstances were, he just wanted things his way. Another way Friar Lawrence not true to the families was because he liked to them even though he knew to answer. On the day of Juliet's wedding he made sure that the Capulet family saw Juliet “dead” in her bed. Friar told the Capulets, “Come, is the bride ready to go to church?” (IV. V. 34). This shows that Friar was lying to the Capulets, asking about Juliet after he knew the answer.
Throughout the play of Romeo and Juliet in No Fear Shakespeare there are many possible ways Friar Lawrence could of caused the death of Romeo and Juliet. The two families did not realize it because they thought Friar was a good man. However, Friar Lawrence turned out to be selfish, give bad advice, and go behind the families