The comparison between Redgate and Google are based on analysis in two report. Analysis report of Redgate and analysis report of Google. Redgate and Google are similar in nature of business. Thus, similarities in both company are absolutely exist. But, there are still difference in their culture and management style between this two companies.
4.1 Motivation Although both company are applying Maslow’s hierarchy theory. But there are still differences on the impact towards each organization. For Physiological need, Redgate provide free lunch. However, Google provide lunch and breakfast. Moreover, Google provide healthier food compare to Redgate. In long term, healthy food can lower absenteeism and keep employee healthy. For Safety need. Instead of free meal, Google provide onsite healthcare and wellness services, which includes massage, physical therapy, physicians and more. Google also have gym to keep you fit. Google is better in this area because they are able to keep their employee healthy and happy. For social need, Redgate and Google both have a friendly workplace. Hence, they both are similar in this area. For the level of self-esteem need, in redgate, recognition is not all about title. Redgate recognition is based on their performance. Compare to google, google do provide promotion to fulfill employee esteem need. But, for company who use skill-based pay, has better self-esteem satisfaction due to they recognized by their name or salary not position or status. For cognitive need, …show more content…
The advantages of Vroom’s expectancy theory shows that, it is based on self-interest that individual will work hard to maximize satisfaction. Furthermore, it is emphasizing more on rewards and pay-offs. Hence, employee can be easily motivated if management Google evaluate accurately what employee