
Similarities Between Aeneas And Odysseus

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Similarities Between Aeneas And Odysseus
Aeneas and Odysseus are important both heroic figures of Greek and Roman mythology. Aeneas is Roman and is from the book The Aeneid. Odysseus is greek and is from the book The Odyssey.The Romans adopted most of there mythology from the Greeks.They just altered it to tell stories of how the Romans are better. These heroes both went on a journey and were both helped by the Gods.

Aeneas was told by the Gods specificaly Mercury, to go on a mission to find an empire in Rome. He was driven to do what the Gods wanted him to do. Aeneas was the person that always put others before himself. He values the Roman value of duty. He obeys this command even though he would be leaving the good life behind.

Odysseus, on the other hand, is not driven

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