The Japanese drama The Love Suicides at Sonezaki is about a young man named Tokubei who is poor. He had his reputation destroyed by being accused of borrowing money and never giving it back by his best friend. However, this isn’t true, in fact it’s the other way around. Then his supposedly best friend manage to turn the whole town against him, even his own uncle. The women he loves and wants to marry is a prostitute who stays by his side and comes up with the double suicide idea for them. In Romeo and Juliet, the two families in this play are rich and are feuding between each other. When Romeo saw Juliet it was love at first sight for him. They end up loving each other and want to get married. However her family didn’t like this and banished him. In the end Romeo finds Juliet dead so he kills himself to be with her in heaven, but she isn’t dead she was just asleep and when she woke up and saw him dead she killed herself as well to be with each other. In the Japanese play the girl and boy decide …show more content…
Both couples love each other and will do anything for each other so they all commit suicide to finally be happy and together. “Both plays show that these young lovers would literally die than live without the other” (Lingo, 2011). However these plays also have share more differences then similarities. The Japanese play is “considered to be a masterpiece of the literature” and that the play shows that “they resolve to die together as a model of true love” (Hudson, 2003). For Romeo and Juliet, “the deaths of the couples are based on a misunderstanding while the Love of Suicides at Sonezaki the couple deliberately make the decision to kill themselves” (Lingo,