Times New Roman (24 point, Boldface) and
No more Than Three Lines
Your Name
Name of Your Department
Southern Polytechnic State University
Title of Report in Initial Capital Letters:
Times New Roman (18 points, Boldface) and
No More Than Three Lines
Your Name
Name of Your Department
Southern Polytechnic State University
All reports should include a one- or two-paragraph summary. This summary should stand alone (no reference to figures or tables in the text) and present the most important results of the work. The line spacing for this paragraph is to be single-spaced, with a single blank line between the heading and the text. Use block paragraph format in the Summary and throughout the paper.
Table of Contents
Summary i
1. Introduction 1
2. Second Heading X
2.1. First Subheading X
2.2. Second Subheading X
2.3. Third Subheading X
3. Third Heading X
3.1. First Subheading X
3.2. Second Subheading X
4. Fourth Heading X
5. Conclusions X
Appendix A: Title of Appendix A X
Appendix B: Title of Appendix B X
References X
Notes on Table of Contents (TOC): Number of headings and subheadings can vary for each report. The page numbers displayed in the TOC are right justified using a right tab (see ruler). Use lower-case Roman numeral page numbers (i, ii, iii, etc.) for summary and TOC pages. No page number is used on the cover page. The body of the report is page numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.).
1. Introduction
Use the Introduction section to orient the audience with sufficient background to understand the problem. This section should clearly address what problem is being solved, why the problem is important, and the vision/aims of the work presented in this paper.
2. Page Layout
All papers must follow the following layout:
8 1/2" X 11" paper
Top and bottom margins: 1.00"
Left and right margins:
References: I prefer you use the APA citation/reference style. Please see the following websites for the proper way to reference sources both within the text and in the reference list at the end of the technical paper (and, yes, I know these websites are not referenced correctly according to APA guidelines). http://www.library.cornell.edu/resrch/citmanage/apa http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/