The changes in generations directly effect people's choices and also their life qualities. In the old times, people were usually getting married and having a lot of children. However, in today's world, people mostly prefer to stay single. What changed? Meaning of 'freedom' or 'responsibility'?
First of all, freedom is everybody's right in our world. However, it can change a little bit when you get married. There is a fact, that nobody should has the rights to limited an other's freedom but it is still happening in some married couples. For example, countries like Turkey, when a married women wants to go out with her friends, her husband believes he has the right to give her a permission so she can go out without feeling guilty. Meanwhile a single woman can do whatever she wants without having anybody's permission. Because of that, married couples started to face more difficulties in their relationships. Such as making a program for themselves. When a single person wants to attend an event he/she just has to asks himself/herself "do I really want to go there?" and than make a decision. In the other hand, when a married person needs to check out with her/his partner first.
Secondly, responsibility is the other difference between the married and the single life. When you are single, you are just responsible for yourself, but when you are married you suppose to be responsible not only for yourself you are also responsible for your family. For example a married person lost all of the money they have, his/her kids and his/her partner are directly effected from this situation. It means that, if you are living a married life you have always more than one responsibilities. Thats the reason of nowadays, people started to avoid getting married.
There are also difficulties living a single life, such as when you need someone next to you, you have to depend on other people:your friends, family members etc. Single people sometimes finds themselves very alone in a married world. Such as holidays…
To sum up, there are certain challenges in single and married life by itself. In the single life difficulties just effect themselves, conversely in the married life difficulties effect both partners. Therefore, issues get more hard if you are a married person. Although there are differences between them, which are responsibility and freedom, everyone should create their own world and their own rules because this is a real freedom.