Explain the interaction between the wages budgets and a roster
Roster must be managed in line with operational budgets and the overall workplace structure. Each organization will have a wages budget, for an upcoming period of time. Roster need, therefore to be structured around amount of money that has been budgeted to meet employee costs the amount of money available for wages.
The amount of money available for paying wages will affect rosters and the amount of money that will be paid to each employee is dependent on the award or agreement under which staff operate. Rosters need to take into account wages per employee and the amount of money available for paying wages over a specific period of time.
Explain how rosters can be used in to maximize operational efficiency and customer service levels while minimizing wage costs
Roster should maximize operational efficiency by
Basing planned staffing levels on operational needs plus customer needs and expectations
Ensuring that operations will support high level of customer satisfaction
Utilizing trained and efficient staff
Wages percentages can be decreased by reducing the number of staff on the floor, by managing the roster effectively or by ensuring that all staff are recruited, selected and trained extremely well. Small numbers of efficient, effective staff will produce a far better result, in terms of customer service and satisfaction, than large numbers of untrained or inefficient staff.
How can you allocate rostered time to take advantage of the best mix of employee skills and abilities
When rostering you need to take into account the various skills levels and fields of expertise of each staff member so they can be allocated roles that they are able to fulfill effectively and efficiently.
Assess staff abilities thoroughly and utilize them accordingly. This might be achieved by consulting employee training records, checking past employment records, reading staff resumes, asking