On Line Poker
Frederico Trivelli Muzzi
Poker has become extremely famous all around the globe. Especially many TV channels start to present live tournaments where an unknown person transforms into a millionaire in just a single week. Movies, like Rounders with Matt Damon of Lucky You also helped to spread the word around the globe.
Once Poker is not very profitable for Casinos, the online alternative is became a very successful business. Besides some legal issues, on the on-line sites you can find people from all around the world. Also on-line sites allow people to play as low as 1 cent of a dollar or even free games with prizes. While on a Casino the bets used to star at 3 to 5 dollars with a minimum buy in of US$100. In addition, the online web sites invest high money on TV ads’ and also sponsor famous players on live tournaments. All together creates an environment for online poker to be a very successful business.
A word from the author
After thinking about many markets to size or to diffusion, and almost giving up the assignment, I found out how fun would be to size the market of poke online. Start by playing some poker online, reading about the millionaire gambling industry, and even going to a real Casino in Tunica, was all I needed to do to learn more about this game and get inspired to start crunch some numbers. However, the intent of this paper is more to explain the background and the variables that affect this billionaire market, all the tables and numbers used can be found on the appendix.
A very good article at Wikipedia, mentions about the online market to be somewhere around $200 million. I found this amount to be extremely conservative, especially regarding all the amount of money this websites invest on media and sponsoring professional players. One of the reasons might be that this number only considers websites placed on the United States. In 2005 the North Dakota House